Business Object Service Operations

A service may be exposed to standard operations and also to custom operations that have signatures and behaviors unique to that service.

Message Pattern

All operations exposed on a business object service have both synchronous and asynchronous versions defined. For conciseness, the service documentation includes the definition for the synchronous message pattern. Both synchronous and asynchronous operations have the same functional behavior and request and response payloads.

Naming convention for asynchronous operations are:

  • Operation name: Synchronous operation name appended with Async

  • Callback name: Synchronous operation name appended with AsyncResponse

Using the Sales Lead service as an example, if the name of the synchronous operation is createSalesLead, the asynchronous operation name and callback name would be createSalesLeadAsync and createSalesLeadAsyncResponse.

Related Topics
  • Standard CRUD Operations
  • Standard Metadata Operations
  • Custom Operations
  • Understanding Business Object Services
  • Service Interface Artifacts
  • Business Object Service Data Types