Standard CRUD Operations

This table lists the standard create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) operations for a business object service.

Operation Method Name Description
create Operation createServiceDataObjectName Creates a service data object and its descendants.
delete Operation deleteServiceDataObjectName Deletes a business object.
get Operation getServiceDataObjectName Retrieves a single business object by the primary key.
find Operation findServiceDataObjectName Finds and returns a list of business objects that meet the specified search criteria.
find by additional predefined search criteria Operation findServiceDataObjectNameSearchCriteriaName Finds and returns a list of business objects that meet the specified search criteria and the additional predefined search criteria.
update Operation updateServiceDataObjectName Updates a business object.
merge Operation mergeServiceDataObjectName Updates a business object, if it exists. Otherwise creates a new business object.
process Operation processServiceDataObjectName Performs create, update, delete, or merge operation on a list of business objects. The specified operation is applied to all the objects in a given list.
process change summary Operation processCSServiceDataObjectName Performs create, update, or delete operations on a list of business objects. Allows you to specify different operations for different objects.
Related Topics
  • Business Object Service Operations
  • Standard Metadata Operations
  • Custom Operations