get Operation

The get operation accepts the primary key of a business object in the request payload and returns the entire corresponding business object in the response payload. If the business object is a composite business object, then the operation returns all the attributes of the service data objects and its child and descendant objects.

If the internal ID of the business object is not known, use the find operation to query based on alternate key or other search criteria.

Operation Signature

The following is the definition of the get operation for the Sales Lead service. The operation accepts the Sales Lead internal identifier, which is of long type.

<element name="getSalesLead">
            <element name="leadId" type="long"/>

The operation returns information for the corresponding Sales Lead business object, which is of MklLead type.

<element name="getSalesLeadResponse">
            <element name="result" type="ns1:MklLead"/>


This example retrieves the Sales Lead object with 300100041938883 as the internal identifier.

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">

The response payload includes all the attributes of the Sales Lead business object.

<ns0:getSalesLeadResponse xmlns="" xmlns:env=""
    <ns2:result xmlns:ns0="" 
xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="ns4:MklLead">
    <ns4:Name>Issaquah Imaging Innovations - Tablets</ns4:Name>
        <ns4:OwnerPartyName>Gabrielle Lee</ns4:OwnerPartyName>
        <ns4:Rank xsi:nil="true"/>
        <ns4:DealAmount currencyCode="USD" 
            <ns1:FunctionalRole xsi:nil="true"/>
            <ns1:PartyName>Gabrielle Lee</ns1:PartyName>
            <ns1:FormattedPhoneNumber>+1 (650) 506-6601</ns1:FormattedPhoneNumber>
            <ns1:ManagerPartyId xsi:nil="true"/>
</ns0:getSalesLeadResponse><ns0:getLocationResponse xmlns=""

Related Operations

To retrieve only a subset of attributes of a large business object or a service data object with descendants more than the default fetch size of 500, use the find operation. This operation allows you to specify fetch start, fetch size, complex search criteria, business object attributes to include or exclude, and sort order.

Related Topics
  • Standard CRUD Operations
  • create Operation
  • delete Operation
  • find Operation
  • find by additional predefined search criteria Operation
  • update Operation
  • merge Operation
  • process Operation