find by additional predefined search criteria Operation

The find by additional predefined search criteria operations are similar to the find operation, but they also have additional predefined criteria applied to the find criteria specified by the caller.

The find by view criteria operations are typically exposed on the service interface for frequently performed searches. Instead of constructing complex payloads for the find operation, you can call these operations. The predefined criteria may refer to multiple bind variables or no bind variables. If the criteria reference a bind variable, the bind variable is exposed as a parameter in the request payload, and you can pass an appropriate value to this parameter.

For information about the predefined criteria and the bind variables exposed as parameters, see operation and parameter descriptions in Business Object Services chapter in this guide.

Examples of the find by view criteria operations include:
  • getLocationByOriginalSystemReference operation defined on LocationService, searches for locations based on the source system where the location definition originated.

  • findExportBatchesByJobId operation, defined on BulkExportService, finds batch information corresponding to a job ID.

Operation Signature

The signature for the find by additional predefined search criteria operation is similar to the find operation and includes additional parameters that correspond to bind variables in the view criteria.


This example defines the getLocationByOriginalSystemReference operation on the LocationService object. Although the name of the operation starts with get, it is a find operation with additional predefined search criteria based on the implementation. In addition to the findCriteria and findControl parameters, the operation takes bindOrigSystem and bindOrigSystemReference parameters, which correspond to unique original system code and system reference identifiers.

<element name="getLocationByOriginalSystemReference">
            <element name="findCriteria" type="ns0:FindCriteria"/>
            <element name="bindOrigSystem" type="string"/>
            <element name="bindOrigSystemReference" type="string"/>
            <element name="findControl" type="ns0:FindControl"/>
Related Topics
  • Standard CRUD Operations
  • create Operation
  • delete Operation
  • get Operation
  • find Operation
  • update Operation
  • merge Operation
  • process Operation