Derive Business Object Service Endpoint and WSDL

To derive the external virtual host and port for a tokenized service WSDL, use the Review Topology page in the Setup and Maintenance work area. This page contains information about the domains and applications that are deployed on your cloud instance.

To access the Review Topology page, your job role must have the ASM_REVIEW_TOPOLOGY_HIERARCHY_PRIV entitlement. This entitlement is granted to the ASM_APPLICATION_DEPLOYER_DUTY duty role, which is inherited by the ASM_APPLICATION_DEVELOPER_DUTY and ASM_APPLICATION_ADMIN_DUTY duty roles. If your user account doesn't have the required role, you can't access the topology information. Contact your security administrator for assistance.


Using the Service Catalog Service, this example explains how to derive the concrete service WSDL URL from the following tokenized URL:


  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, click the Tasks panel tab, and select Review Topology

  2. On the Review Topology page, select the Detailed tab.

  3. In the Name column, expand the FADomain node, and then expand the FSCMServices subnode. Use the following as example values:

    • The virtual host value is fs-your-cloud-hostname.

    • The port value is 443.

  4. Replace the values in parenthesis in the tokenized URL with the identified external virtual host and port values: https://fs-your-cloud-hostname:443/fscmService/ServiceCatalogService?wsdl

  5. Remove ?wsdl from the URL to derive the Service Catalog Service end point URL. Navigating to this URL in a browser results in a blank page as the service tester page is disabled.

Related Topics
  • Discovering Web Services
  • Using Developer Connect
  • Using Service Catalog Service