Service Catalog Service

To get the endpoint and metadata for public external services, use the Service Catalog Service provisioned on your cloud instance. This service returns information specific to the cloud instance and the new services introduced in the patches applied to the instance. You can use this service to programmatically discover and retrieve the required data to invoke the SOAP web services.

The tokenized WSDL for the Service Catalog Service is:


For instructions on how to derive the concrete URL for the service, see Deriving Business Object Service Endpoint and WSDL.

To secure the service, use the oracle/wss11_saml_or_username_token_with_message_protection_service_policy security policy. Any authenticated user can invoke this service, which exposes two synchronous operations:
Related Topics
  • Discovering Web Services
  • Using Developer Connect
  • Deriving Business Object Service Endpoint and WSDL