getAllServiceEndpoints Operation

This operation returns information about all the public external services on your cloud instance.

Note: The only two public external services for which the getAllServiceEndpoints operation doesn't return information are public external composite services and public external Fusion Middleware services, such as the Service Catalog Service.
For each public external service, the information includes:
  • QName: A name that uniquely identifies the service. For example, the QName for the Opportunity service is {}OpportunityService

  • Logical Business Object: The business object that the service implements. If the service doesn't operate on a business object, then this is null. For example, the logical business object for the Opportunity service is CRM-CRM : MOO-Opportunity Management : MOO_OPPORTUNITY-Opportunity. The value in this field represents a hierarchy of the logical business objects, where the most general object is to the left and the most specific is to the right. Each node in the hierarchy is separated by a colon. In the example, Opportunity is the most specific business object and is grouped in the Opportunity Management object, which in turn is grouped in the CRM business object. Each node in the hierarchy is represented by two strings separated by a dash (-). The string to the left of the dash is an internal string and the string to the right is a user-friendly string.

  • Life cycle: See Web Service Life Cycle.

  • Service WSDL URL: The concrete WSDL URL for the service. For example, the URL for the Opportunity service is https://crm-your-cloud-hostname:port/opptyMgmtOpportunities/OpportunityService?WSDL.

  • Service XSD URL: The URL to the service XSD that contains the service operation payload types. See Service XSD. For example, the URL for the Opportunity service is https://crm-your-cloud-hostname:port/opptyMgmtOpportunities/OpportunityService? XSD=/oracle/apps/sales/opptyMgmt/opportunities/opportunityService/OpportunityService.xsd.

For more information about the service, refer to the <wsdl:documentation> tag in the WSDL and XSD.

Operation Signature

The following is the request payload of the getAllServiceEndPoints operation:

<element name="getAllServiceEndPoints">

The following is the response payload of the getAllServiceEndPoints operation:

<element name="getAllServiceEndPointsResponse">
            <element name="result" type="ns1:CatalogService" minOccurs="0
            maxOccurs="unbounded" />


This example shows an empty request payload for the getAllServiceEndpoints operation.

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">

The response payload contains the service information for all the public external services on the cloud instance. This example shows only the first two result elements of the response.

<env:Envelope xmlns:env="">
              <ns0:result xmlns:xsi="" 
                 <ns0:lbo xsi:nil="true"/>
             <ns0:result xmlns:xsi="" 
                <ns0:lbo xsi:nil="true"/>
Related Topics
  • Using Service Catalog Service
  • getServiceEndpoint Operation