Set Up Fields for Change Orders

You can configure new fields for change orders in the Setup and Maintenance work area.

Set Up Fields

You can configure change orders (and other objects that are derived from a change type, such as change requests, problem reports, and corrective actions) to a certain extent using Application Composer. For example, you can define new subtabs to create object relationships on page layouts, or write application logic such as triggers, validation rules and object functions to be used in the change objects. But if you want to configure change attributes or fields, you must set up extensible flexfields from the Setup and Maintenance work area.

Here are the basic configuration steps:
  1. To create change order attributes, in the Setup and Maintenance work area, do the following:
    • Offering: Product Management
    • Functional Area: Change Orders
    • Task: Manage Change Order and New Item Request Header Descriptive Flexfields
    • Deploy descriptive flexfields before you create a sandbox for working in Application Composer.
    • Attributes can be either Global Segments - applicable to all change types, or Context Segments - applicable to a specific change type.
  2. Assign attributes to a change type.
    • To assign attributes to a specific change type, enter the internal name of the change type as the context code of the segment/attribute context group and then add new attributes to the group.
      Attributes can be of the following type:
      • Character (Text)
      • Number
      • Date
      • Date Time
      • List of Values (Character or Number)

    Set these attribute segments as required. You can also set a date range.

  • You must deploy the attribute segments and groups if you want to make them available for use.
  • Attributes are assigned to the change order General Information page when they're deployed.
  • Use the Sequence property in the setup task to define the display order. All the global attributes are displayed first, followed by the display of contextual attributes.
  • In the setup task, you can disable an attribute so that it will no longer display.

This image displays a change object that has admin-created fields.

This image has a configured tab