Elements of a Supplier Rebate Program

Supplier rebate programs are used to define the rules of a rebate offer from a supplier to a wholesaler or retailer.

Generally, the wholesaler creates the supplier rebate program from a program type based on their business processes, which acts as a template for the program. Supplier terms including the supplier, the target market, product eligibility as well as the discounts provided are defined in the program. Supported discounts include percentage and amount-based rebates.

  • Supplier Site: A supplier site in Channel Revenue Management is a supplier concatenated with a particular site location. For example, in Oracle Fusion Procurement, supplier is ABC USA, site is Chicago. So for Channel Revenue Management, the supplier site is ABC USA - Chicago.

  • Alternate Supplier Sites: Additional suppliers and sites for which the program is eligible.

  • Product eligibility: Rules to identify eligible items for the program. Product rules are treated as OR conditions.

    • Product Qualifier: Product rules take the form of Product Qualifier = Qualifier Value. Supported product qualifiers are:

      • Item

      • All Items

        Note: All Items means all items that are on the supplier invoice and defined in the item master. The item specified in the supplier invoice CSV file must be defined in the item master as well. Description based items that are not defined in the item master are not supported.
      • User-defined attributes (UDA) for product categories

    • Discount: Each product rule defined has an associated discount. This discount is a deferred rebate. A discount consists of the following:

      • Discount Type

        • Amount

        • Percent

  • Market eligibility: Rules to identify eligible customers. Market rules are treated as OR conditions.

    • Market Qualifier: Market rules take the form of Market Qualifier = or <> Qualifier Value. Supported market and program qualifiers are:

      • Bill-to Location

      • Ship-to Location

      • Transaction Reason

    • Conditions: AND conditions to the parent market criteria.

  • Program rules: Rules to identify the required program criteria. Program rules are treated as AND conditions.

    You can use any two date qualifiers for Supplier Rebate programs:

    • Shipped Date

    • Purchase Order Date

    • Receipt Transaction Date

    • Requested Delivery Date

    • Requested Ship Date

    In addition to the above qualifiers, Supplier Rebate programs that are processed via Supplier Invoice in a CSV file can use the Supplier Invoice Date qualifier.

    • Program Qualifier: Program rules take the form of Program Qualifier = or <> Qualifier Value. Supported market and program qualifiers are:

      • Bill-to Location

      • Ship-to Location

      • Transaction Reason