Example of How Program, Market, and Product Rules Work Together

Here you understand how rules work to determine program eligibility.

For a given program, rules are combined in the following manner during execution to determine if a program is eligible:

	Program Rule 1 AND
	Program Rule 2 AND

	Product Rule 1
	Product Rule 2
	Product Rule 3
	( Market Rule 1 [AND Market Condition 1 AND Market Condition 2] )
	( Market Rule 2 [AND Market Condition 3] )
	( Market Rule 3 )


A sample agreement is reached between the distributor and a supplier XYZ Country1 that states the following:

In the month of August, XYZ Country1 agrees to provide a supplier ship and debit rebate for all standard order types:

  • That the distributor sells to ABC Country1, ABC Country2, or ABC Country3.

  • Providing a new lower cost of 8 USD for item AS54888.

  • Providing a flat discount amount of 1 USD for item AS54999.

For this scenario, a supplier ship and debit channel program can be created with:

Program Rule
		Program Rule 1:  Order Type = Standard 
Product Rules 
		Product Rule 1:  Item = AS54888, then give a new cost of 8 USD 
		Product Rule 2:  Item = AS54999, then give a flat discount of 1 USD  
Market Rule 
		Market Rule 1:  Customer = ABC Country1 
		Market Rule 2:  Customer = ABC Country2 
		Market Rule 3:  Customer = ABC Country3

This is how the market and product rules are executed for this program:

Order Type = Standard 
	( Item = AS54888 )
	( Item = AS54999 )
	( Customer = ABC Country1 )  
	( Customer = ABC Country2 )  
	( Customer = ABC Country3 ) 