Manage Intrastat Parameters

Manage Intrastat Parameters is a setup task in the Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management offering. You can enable Intrastat reporting for a particular legal entity or legal reporting unit and define the parameters for gathering data on Intrastat transactions.

You can define Intrastat parameters only for the legal reporting units for which you have defined country characteristics. If you define Intrastat parameters for a secondary legal reporting unit, then you must associate the secondary legal reporting unit with an inventory organization. You enter Intrastat parameters for each combination of legal entity, legal reporting unit, economic zone, and country. These parameters define the details of the Intrastat authority, location, reference, and address to which declarations must be submitted for each member nation. Several predefined legal reporting units are available for your use.

This procedure show you how to configure Intrastat parameters. This is a step in setting up Intrastat Reporting.

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the Manage Intrastat Parameters task:

    • Offering: Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management

    • Functional Area: Intrastat Reporting

    • Task: Manage Intrastat Parameters

  2. On the Manage Intrastat Parameters page, do one of these steps:

    • If you want to modify attributes for an existing legal reporting unit, click the legal reporting unit for which you want to make changes, select Edit, and then make the appropriate changes.

    • If you want to add a new legal reporting unit, select Create, and then enter the attributes. Click Save and Close.

Some of the key Intrastat parameters are provided in this table in alphabetic order.



Branch Reference

Name of the legal entity branch. This reference is printed on the European Union Intrastat Declaration.

Economic Zone

Economic zones where you conduct business, such as the European Economic Community (EEC) and the North American Free Trade Association (NAFTA). The economic zones for Oracle Intrastat Reporting are applicable to the EEC.

Exclusion Rules

Optional rule that excludes specific Intrastat transactions from collections.

Fiscal Regime Rules

Fiscal regime details of a transaction. This parameter is mandatory when arrival and dispatch country characteristics are selected.

Nature of Transaction Code Rules

Nature of transaction code details of a transaction. This parameter is mandatory when arrival and dispatch country characteristics are selected. Nature of transaction codes are published by an individual country's Intrastat authority and can vary based on country.

Reporting Calendar

Calendar for reporting Intrastat transactions. The calendar you use for Intrastat reporting purposes is independent of the accounting calendar for your organization.

Statistical Value Calculation Rules

Freight factor that's included in the statistical value. (Freight factor is defined in percentage and indicates the component of freight charge that's included in the statistical value.)

Supplementary UOM Rules

Rules governing the supplementary unit of measure as applicable to certain classes of products.

Tax Office Code

Tax office code of the tax office to which your legal entity reports.

Tax Office Name

Name of the tax office to which your legal entity reports.

Tax Office Location

Location of the tax office to which your legal entity reports.

Validation Rules

Rules that define the criteria for validating the collected and manually entered Intrastat transactions.

VAT Registration

VAT registration number that you're registered with to pay VAT. VAT is a value-added tax or goods and services tax (GST) that's considered a consumption tax.

For more information about legal reporting units, VAT, and taxes, see the Financials implementation guides.