Manage Intrastat Rules

Manage Intrastat Rules is a setup task in the Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management offering.

This task enables you to configure rules for nature of transaction code, statistical procedure code, fiscal regime code, freight factor for statistical value, exclusion criteria, supplementary UOM, and validation rules.

You use Intrastat rules to configure Intrastat reporting as per the requirement of an individual country. These rules enable you to define the guidelines and validations that are applicable for creating the Intrastat declaration. You can share these rules across legal reporting units or keep them specific to just one legal reporting unit.

This procedure shows you how to configure Intrastat rules. This is a step in setting up Intrastat Reporting.

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the Manage Intrastat Rules task:

    • Offering: Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management

    • Functional Area: Intrastat Reporting

    • Task: Manage Intrastat Rules

      Note that you might need to select Show All Tasks for this task to appear.

  2. On the Manage Intrastat Rules page, do one of these steps:

    • If you want to modify an existing rule, click the rule set for which you want to make changes, select Edit, and then make the appropriate changes.

    • If you want to add a new rule, select Create, and then enter the attributes.

    • If you want to delete a rule, select it, and then select Delete.

This table provides descriptions of the predefined Intrastat rule types. You can reconfigure these rules or add new ones.

Intrastat Rule Type



Validation rules enable you to define the criteria for validating the collected and manually entered Intrastat transactions. You can report only those transactions that are validated successfully as per the specified criteria in the Intrastat declaration. You define validation rules for a combination of source transaction and Intrastat reporting attribute.

Validation rules provide the:

  • Required attribute to be reported for a particular source transaction.

  • Value set that you must use for validating the values of the specific attributes.

If an attribute is defined as required for a source transaction, then an exception is logged if the collected transaction doesn't have that attribute.

Supplementary UOM

Supplementary UOM rules enable you to define the requirement for reporting Intrastat transactions in a supplementary unit of measure other than the weight UOM. The movement of goods or specific items is reported in an UOM other than the weight UOM. For example, use this rule type to specify that movement of an oil commodity must be reported in Barrels.

Supplementary UOM rules are defined for a category code under the Intrastat catalog. And that category code, in turn, defines the UOM in which the Intrastat transaction is reported. Whenever there is an item in an Intrastat transaction that belongs to the specific category code, then the supplementary UOM rule is applied. The quantity of the item is thereby derived in supplementary UOM based on the UOM conversion factor.

Nature of transaction code

Nature of transaction code is used to define the category of the Intrastat transaction. The nature of transaction codes is published by the Intrastat authority of an individual country, and therefore differ based on country. The codes can be either in single digit or double digits.

The nature of transaction code rules enable you to define the nature of transaction code applicable based on source transaction, inventory organization, item, and trading partner attributes of the base transaction. The rules defined at a specific or granular level are given priority over rules defined at a higher level. For example, given there are two rules; one for a source transaction and another for a source transaction and item. In this case, the rule for source transaction and item is given higher priority wherever applicable.

Fiscal regime code

Fiscal regime code is used in some countries in addition to nature of transaction code to categorize transactions. Fiscal regime rules define the fiscal regime code applicable based on source transaction, inventory organization, item, and trading partner attributes of the base transaction. Similar to the nature of transaction code rules, the fiscal regime code rules defined at a specific or granular level are given priority over rules defined at a higher level.

You can only define either a fiscal regime code or a statistical procedure code for a particular transaction.

Statistical procedure code

Statistical procedure code is used in some countries of the European Union (EU) in addition to nature of transaction code to categorize transactions. Statistical procedure code enables you to define the statistical code applicable for deriving the statistical procedure of the collected transaction. This is based on source transaction, inventory organization, item, and trading partner attributes of the base transaction.

You can only define either a statistical procedure code or a fiscal regime code for a particular transaction.

Statistical value calculation

Statistical value calculation rules enable you to specify the freight factor that's included in the statistical value. Freight factor is defined in percentage and indicates the component of freight charge to be included in the statistical value.

You can define this rule based on country, organization, item, freight terms, and mode of transport of the base transaction. You can then specify the freight factor, which is a percentage of the freight charge. This freight factor is included while calculating the statistical value. For example, when you want to calculate the freight charge only up to a country's border, you specify the statistical value calculation by defining a freight factor that accounts for the freight charge only up to that country's border.

In cases where freight charges are applicable for shipments across two countries within the EU, you're required to only include the freight charge for moving the goods from the establishment to the border of that establishment's country.

Note: Freight charges are captured on interorganization shipments, not on purchase orders, sales orders, or transfer orders.


Exclusion rules enable you to define the criteria to exclude specific goods movement transactions from collections. You can exclude a specific item that you don't want to be reported in the Intrastat collections by defining the exclusion criteria in the rule. For example, you don't require service items to be included in the collection. You can define this rule based on source transaction, organization, category code, item, and trading partner of the base transaction. You can specify the exclusion criterion that includes the source transaction, category code, and item details of the transaction containing the service items. This ensures that the specified items aren't included in the collections.