Intrastat Reporting for the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

For the UK's exit from the European Union, Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs department (HMRC) issued guidance on Intrastat reporting requirements when trading goods with the UK. You can now specify when to exclude Great Britain for legal reporting units subject to Intrastat collections.

Note: Dispatch and arrival transactions between any EU country and any Northern Ireland county are collected by the Intrastat report regardless of the value of the Exclude Dispatches From and Exclude Arrivals To parameters for a United Kingdom LRU. This ensures compliance with the Intrastat regulations published by HMRC for the UK's exit from the EU.

Set Up Intrastat Reporting for the UK

If you do business with any Northern Ireland county, you need to ensure that a location is associated with an inventory organization, supplier site, customer site, or legal entity address based on the Northern Ireland county's postal code.

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the Manage Locations task:

    • Offering: Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management

    • Functional Area: Enterprise Profile

  2. On the Manage Locations page, make sure a postal code is specified for legal addresses, supplier sites, and customer sites based in Northern Ireland counties. If a postal code isn't specified, select the entry you want to update and click Edit > Correct. Add the postal code. Then click Submit.

Add United Kingdom to a Tax Zone

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the Task panel and search for the Manage Tax Zone Types task.

  2. Click the Manage Tax Zone Types task.

  3. Click Search on the Manage Zone Types page. (You don't need to enter anything, just click Search.)

  4. In the search results, select Economic Regions and click Next.

  5. On the Manage Zones for Zone Type page, click Search. (You don't need to enter anything, just click Search.)

  6. In the search results, click European Economic Community.

  7. On the European Economic Community page, in the Associated Geographies section, locate the United Kingdom geography. If either the United Kingdom geography isn't specified or the end date has passed, you need to create a new economic region and add the United Kingdom geography to it. Steps 9 and 10 explain how. If you don't need to create the United Kingdom geography, you can skip those steps. You can follow step 10 to create other geographies if you need them.

  8. Click Done to go back to the Manage Zones for Zone Type page.

  9. Create a new economic region:

    • In the Search Results section, click Actions > Create.

    • Enter a name for the zone in the Zone field.

    • Enter a code for the zone in the Code field.

    • Make sure the end date is in the future.

  10. Associate a geography to the economic region:

    • In the Associated Geographies section, click Actions > Add.

    • Enter United Kingdom in the Country field.

    • Enter Country in the Geography Type field.

    • Enter United Kingdom in the Geography Name field.

    • Make sure the end date is in the future.

    • Repeat this step to add other geographies as needed.

    • Click Save and Close when you've finished adding geographies.

Intrastat Collection Report

As part of Great Britain's exit from the European Union (EU), updated Intrastat regulations clarify the different country codes to use when dispatching goods from Northern Ireland in Great Britain. To comply with this guidance, The Intrastat Collection Report prints the country of origin as XI when goods are dispatched from Northern Ireland. Also, the CSV file generated after running the Export Intrastat Collections process prints the country of origin as XI. The country of origin on the Manage Intrastat Transaction page continues to show United Kingdom for dispatches from Northern Ireland in Great Britain.