Attributes That You Can Use When You Integrate Order Management with Accounts Receivable

Get details about the attributes that you can specify when you use an integration algorithm to send charges from Oracle Order Management to Oracle Accounts Receivable.

Use Cases

Here are some examples where you might find it useful to modify attributes.
Need Solution

You have a set of lines that you can and can't ship on the sales order. You need to have the same actual ship date populated for lines that you can ship and for lines that you can't ship so the invoice contains the actual ship date.

Use the FulfillmentIntegration service mapping to modify the ShipDateActual attribute for the line that you can't ship so it has the same value as the ShipDateActual attribute for the line that you can ship.

This technique also helps Accounts Receivable to use the same general ledger date and transaction date for the lines that you can and can't ship.

2 You need to send discount lines to Accounts Receivable, and you need to set some of the tax determinants differently on the discount line than they are on the line that isn't discounted. Use the FulfillmentIntegration service mapping to set the value of the attributes that affect tax determinant differently than the ones that don't affect tax.

You need to capture additional details that aren't on the sales order or the fulfillment line, and then display them on the invoice.

Create an extensible flexfield in Order Management to capture the additional details on the sales order, then use the FulfillmentIntegration service mapping to map the extensible flexfield on the sales order to a descriptive flexfield on the invoice in Accounts Receivable.

You need to send an attribute value that's available in Order Management but that isn't available in Accounts Receivable.

For example, you have the line number from a purchase order on the sales order or fulfillment line, and you need to display it on the invoice.

Use the FulfillmentIntegration service mapping to map the attribute on the sales order to a descriptive flexfield on the invoice in Accounts Receivable.

You need to capture details for an attribute that isn't available in Order Management but that is available in Accounts Receivable, and then display those details on the invoice.

For this example, assume you need the accounting rule duration.

Create an extensible flexfield in Order Management to capture the accounting rule duration on the sales order, then use the FulfillmentIntegration service mapping to map the extensible flexfield on the sales order to the Accounting Rule Duration attribute on the invoice in Accounts Receivable.

You need to recognize freight as revenue and send a shipping charge as an invoice line.

For example, you have a freight charge where the LineType equals LINE and another line where the LineType equals FREIGHT.

Use the FulfillmentIntegration service mapping to map the line that has the shipping charge record where the LineType equals LINE.

Your order line includes recurring billing, and you need to set the first invoice date according to a value that you set on the order line instead of from the sales order date.

Create an extensible flexfield in Order Management to capture the first invoice date on the fulfillment line, then use the FulfillmentIntegration service mapping to map the extensible flexfield on the sales order to the TrxDate attribute and the GlDate attribute on the invoice in Accounts Receivable.

Your order line includes recurring billing, and you notice that the invoice sometimes has an extra billing period.

This might happen because there's a conversion problem between the Contract Start Date and Contract End Date on the sales order in Order Management, and the Legal Entity Time Zone on the invoice in Accounts Receivable.

Use the FulfillmentIntegration service mapping to set the Contract Start Date and Contract End Date to their current values with a time value of 00:00:00.

You have a sales order that includes a kit, and the kit has Included Items that you don't currently send to Accounts Receivable.

Order Management stores the delivery number and waybill number only on the included item and not the kit.

You need to display the delivery number and waybill number on the invoice.

Use two descriptive flexfields on the invoice, one for the delivery number and another for the waybill number.

Use the FulfillmentIntegration service mapping to send the delivery name and the waybill from the included item to Accounts Receivable, then display them in the descriptive flexfields on the invoice.


You have a sales order that includes a covered item on one line and a coverage item on another line. You need to have the invoice display the actual ship date, not the order date, for these lines.

You have observed that the GlDate attribute on the coverage line contains the order date while the GlDate attribute on the covered line contains the actual ship date. This causes Accounts Receivable to split the coverage item and the covered item into separate invoices.

Note that the GlDate attribute stores the accounting date of the transaction.

Use the FulfillmentIntegration service mapping to map the actual ship date to the TrxDate attribute for the covered line and for the coverage line. This way, Accounts Receivable won't split the invoice.

Alternatively, you can map to the GlDate attribute, or you can map to the order date but not map to the ship date, depending on your needs.


  • You must be very careful when you implement logic that changes attribute values that affect applications, such as Oracle Order Management, Oracle Receivables, Oracle Shipping, Oracle Costing, Oracle Tax, and Oracle Revenue Management. You must thoroughly test your modifications and verify that your modifications don't cause data or behavior problems in these applications.
  • If you modify an attribute that contains an amount, then you might have a mismatch between the amount that you see on the sales order and the amount on the invoice.
  • Be careful when you modify data that might affect the credit memo for a referenced return line. The Import AutoInvoice scheduled process validates invoice details for the original fulfillment line when it creates the credit memo. Make sure you consider how your modification might affect the referenced return line and the return order. For details, see Update Intercompany Receivables Invoice Import Details.
  • You must test any custom logic that you create that involves these attributes, and fix any problems that you find.


You can use these attributes on the ARInterfaceLine entity.

Attribute Description
AccountingRuleDuration Duration of the rule for the revenue schedule.
AccountingRuleId Value that uniquely identifies the revenue scheduling rule.
AccountingRuleName Name of the revenue scheduling rule.
AddressVerificationCode Abbreviation that identifies the verification for the credit card address from Oracle Payment Server.
Amount Amount on the transaction line.
AmountIncludesTax Option that indicates whether the line amount includes tax. If its empty, then we use the value from the tax rate code.
ApplicationId Value that uniquely identifies the application that imports transactions into Oracle Receivables.
ApprovalCode Abbreviation that identifies the payment approval from the company that issues the credit card.
AssessableValue The price that a tax authority uses to calculate tax for the item on the line.
AuthorizationComplete Indicates whether billing for the credit check authorization is done.
AuthorizationNumber Authorization number from the credit check for the invoice.
BatchSourceName Name of the source that provides the transaction on the line.
BillContactPartyNumber Value that uniquely identifies the bill-to contact party for the transaction.
BillCustomerAccountNumber Value that uniquely identifies the account number of the bill-to customer of the transaction.
BillCustomerSiteNumber Value that uniquely identifies the bill-to customer site for the transaction.
BillingDate Billing date to use when you create the invoice. Provide a value in this format: YYYY/MM/DD.
Comments Comments for the transaction line.
ConsBillingNumber Number that identifies the consignment for billing and print formatting. Don't use it for a balance forward bill.
ContractedPeriods Number of recurring invoices for the contract.
ContractEndDate If the transaction line has a contract, then this attribute includes the contract's end date.
ContractId Value that uniquely identifies the contract.
ContractLineAmount If the transaction line has a contract, then this attribute specifies the original item amount on the contract or the new item amount after calculating credit on the contract.
ContractLineId Value that uniquely identifies a line on the contract.
ContractLineQuantity If the transaction line has a contract, then this attribute specifies the original quantity for the item on the contract or the new quantity after calculating credits on the contract.
ContractLineUnitPrice If the transaction line has a contract, then this attribute specifies the original unit price of the item on the contract or the new unit price after calculating credits on the contract.
ContractStartDate If the transaction line has a contract, then this attribute includes the contract's start date. If you have a recurring invoice, then this attribute contains the start date of the billing period for the first invoice.
ConversionDate Date that Order Management uses to calculate the currency conversion rate. Order Management uses this value only if the currency on the transaction line isn't the ledger currency. You must use the YYYY/MM/DD format.
ConversionRate Rate that Order Management uses to calculate the currency conversion. Order management uses this value only if the currency on the transaction line isn't the ledger currency.
ConversionType Conversion type for the currency on the transaction line.

The credit method that Order Management uses to credit a transaction when the transaction uses a rule to schedule revenue.

You can set this attribute to:

  • PRORATE. Credit an equal percentage to all account assignments.
  • UNIT. Reverse the revenue for the number of units that you specify from an original line of the invoice. If the LineType is TAX or CHARGES, or if the order header has freight charges, then don't use UNIT.
  • LIFO. (Last In First Out). Removes revenue starting with the most recent general ledger period and reverses all prior periods until it uses up all of the credit memo.

The credit method that Order Management uses to credit a transaction when the transaction has split payment terms.

You can set this attribute to:

  • PRORATE Credit the installments of the credited transaction and prorate them according to the amount that remains for each installment. If the LineType is TAX or CHARGES, or if the order header has freight charges, then don't use PRORATE.
  • FIFO. (First In First Out). Credit the first installment, first.
  • LIFO. (Last In First Out). Credit the last installment, first.
  • Empty. Don't specify a credit method for the installments.
CurrencyCode Abbreviation that identifies the currency on the transaction line. Use the three character ISO currency code. For example, use USD for US Dollars.
CustomerBankAccountName Name of the bank account for the bill-to customer.
CustomerTrxTypeName The transaction type that's on the line.
CustomerTrxTypeSequenceId Value that uniquely identifies the transaction type.
DefaultTaxationCountry Default taxation country for tax reporting purposes.

Contains Y or N:

  • Y. AutoInvoice doesn't include the transaction line from the automated revenue deferral.
  • N. AutoInvoice does include the line.
Description Description of the transaction line.
DocumentNumber Number that identifies the document for the transaction.
DocumentSubType Type of document. In some countries, a tax or government authority defines and classifies document types for reporting purposes.
EnforceSequenceDateCorrelation Value that determines whether to enforce chronological sequencing on the document.
ExceptionId Value that uniquely identifies the tax exception.
ExemptionId Value that uniquely identifies the tax exemption.
FifthOverrideAmount A value that you can use to override the fifth amount.
FifthOverridePeriod Number that identifies the period that has an override amount. For example, the first invoice is for period 1, the second invoice is for period 2, and so on.
FifthOverrideQuantity A value that you can use to override the fifth quantity.
FinalDischargeLocationCode Abbreviation that identifies the final destination location or the final customer location where Order Management will ship the item.
FinalDischargeLocationId Value that uniquely identifies the location of the final destination or customer location where Order Management will ship the item.
FirstOverrideAmount A value that you can use to override the first amount.
FirstOverridePeriod Number that identifies the period that has an override amount. For example, the first invoice is for period 1, the second invoice is for period 2, and so on.
FirstOverrideQuantity A value that you can use to override the first quantity.
FirstPtyRegId Value that uniquely identifies the tax registration for the first party of the transaction. Order Management gets this value from the transaction's legal entity.
FirstPtyRegNumber Number that identifies the tax registration for the first party of the transaction. Order Management gets this value from the transaction's legal entity.
FOBPoint The location where the ownership title for the item transfers from the seller to the buyer.
FourthOverrideAmount A value that you can use to override the fourth amount.
FourthOverridePeriod Number that identifies the period that has an override amount. For example, the first invoice is for period 1, the second invoice is for period 2, and so on.
FourthOverrideQuantity A value that you can use to override the fourth quantity.
GlDate Accounting date of the transaction. This value must reference an accounting period that's open or that you can enter at some point in the future.
IntendedUseClassifId Value that uniquely identifies the intended use of the item.
InternalNotes More comments.
InventoryItemId Value that uniquely identifies the inventory item for the transaction.
InvoicedLineAcctgLevel Accounting level for the lines that are eligible to create an invoice in the source system.
InvoicingRuleId Value that uniquely identifies the invoicing rule for the transaction.

Name of the invoicing rule for the transaction. Use one of these values:

  • Advance Invoice
  • Arrears Invoice

If you have a rule for an invoice line, then you must enter a value. Otherwise, its optional.

You can use the InvoicingRuleId attribute or the InvoicingRuleName attribute, but don't use both of them.

ItemNumber Number that identifies the inventory item.

Last period for the credit. Use this attribute only for a credit memo.

You must use a value that's greater than 0 and less than the duration of the accounting rule for the invoice.

You must use only a positive integer.


Contains Y or N:

  • Y. The current transaction is the last transaction of a recurrent series of direct debit collections for a debit authorization according to the ISO20022 specification.
  • N. The current transaction isn't the last transaction.
LegalEntityId Value that uniquely identifies the legal entity that's responsible for issuing the transaction line.
LineIntendedUse Classify an item when the intended use of the item affects tax.

Specify the line type for this transaction. Use one of these values:

  • LINE.
  • TA.
  • CHARGES. CHARGES means finance charges. You must enter a value.
MemoLineName Name of the memo line for this transaction.
MemoLineSequenceId Value that uniquely identifies the sequence for the memo line for this transaction.
OrgId Value that uniquely identifies the business unit on the line.
OrigSystemBatchName Value that identifies the original batch from the source system.
OrigSystemBillAddressId Value that uniquely identifies the bill-to customer address from the source system.
OrigSystemBillAddressReference Value that uniquely identifies the reference to the bill-to customer address from the source system.
OrigSystemBillContactId Value that uniquely identifies the bill-to customer contact from the source system.
OrigSystemBillContactReference Value that uniquely identifies the reference to the bill-to customer contact from the source system.
OrigSystemBillCustomerId Value that uniquely identifies the bill-to customer from the source system.
OrigSystemBillCustomerReference Value that uniquely identifies the reference to the bill-to customer from the source system.
OrigSystemShipAddressId Value that uniquely identifies the ship-to address from the source system.
OrigSystemShipAddressReference Value that uniquely identifies the reference for the ship-to address from the source system.
OrigSystemShipContactId Value that uniquely identifies the ship-to contact from the source system.
OrigSystemShipContactReference Value that uniquely identifies the reference for ship-to contact from the source system.
OrigSystemShipCustomerId Value that uniquely identifies the ship-to customer from the source system.
OrigSystemShipCustomerReference Value that uniquely identifies the reference for the ship-to customer from the source system.
OrigSystemShipPartyId Value that uniquely identifies the ship-to customer from the source system.
OrigSystemShipPartyReference Value that uniquely identifies the reference for the ship-to customer from the source system.
OrigSystemShipPartySiteId Value that uniquely identifies the customer's ship-to address from the source system.
OrigSystemShipPartySiteReference Value that uniquely identifies the reference for the customer's ship-to site from the source system.
OrigSystemShipPtyContactId Value that uniquely identifies the customer's ship-to contact from the source system.
OrigSystemShipPtyContactReference Value that uniquely identifies the reference for the contact for the ship-to customer from the source system.
OrigSystemSoldCustomerId Value that uniquely identifies the sold-to customer from the source system.
OrigSystemSoldCustomerReference Value that uniquely identifies the reference for the sold-to customer from the source system.
OrigSystemSoldPartyId Value that uniquely identifies the sold-to customer from the source system.
OrigSystemSoldPartyReference Value that uniquely identifies the reference for the sold-to customer from the source system.

Contains Y or N:

  • Y. AutoInvoice uses the deferred revenue account that the interface table provides when it does revenue accounting.
  • N. AutoInvoice uses the accounts that AutoAccounting creates.
PaymentAttributes Payment attributes that group transaction lines.
PaymentServerOrderNumber Number that indicates whether the Oracle Payment Server authorized the credit card payment.
PaymentSetId Value that uniquely identifies the payment set.
PaymentTermsId Value that uniquely identifies the payment terms on the line.
PaymentTermsName Name of the payment term on the line.
PaymentTrxnExtensionId Value that uniquely identifies a transaction from Oracle Payments that Order Management uses to process payment for a credit card or a bank account.

Period of the recurring invoice. Use one of these values:

  • DAY
  • WEEK
  • YEAR

If the RecurringBill attribute contains Y, then you must include a value in the Periodicity attribute.

PrimarySalesrepNumber Number that identifies the primary salesperson.

Contains Y or N:

  • Y. You can print the transaction.
  • N. You can't print it.
ProdFcCategId Value that uniquely identifies the fiscal classification of the inventory item.
ProductCategory Specifies that an item is a noninventory item, or for other classifications that you might need for tax purposes.
ProductFiscClassification Indicates whether tax calculations must include the item tax.

Identifies the item's type for tax purposes. Use one of these values:

  • Goods
  • Services
PurchaseOrder Purchase order number for the transaction.
PurchaseOrderDate Date of the purchase order.
PurchaseOrderRevision Revision number for the purchase order.
Quantity Number of units shipped on the transaction line, or the number of units on the credit memo line.
QuantityOrdered Original number of units ordered for the transaction.
ReasonCode Abbreviation that identifies the reason for the transaction.
ReasonCodeMeaning Meaning of the reason code for the credit memo.
ReceiptMethodId Value that uniquely identifies the receipt method for the transaction.
ReceiptMethodName Name of the receipt method for the transaction.

Option that indicates whether the transaction line is for a recurring invoice. Use one of these values:

  • Y.
  • N or empty.
RelatedBatchSourceName Name of the batch source for the document that references this transaction.
RelatedTrxNumber Number that identifies the document that references this transaction.
ResetTrxDate Indicates whether AutoInvoice resets the transaction date to the accounting date when the source doesn't provide the transaction date.
ResourceSalesrepId Value that uniquely identifies the primary salesperson for this transaction.
RuleEndDate Date to stop running the revenue scheduling rule for the transaction.
RuleStartDate Date to start running the revenue scheduling rule for the transaction.
SalesOrder Sales order number.
SalesOrderDate Date that Order Management created the sales order or created the return materials authorization. You must use the YYYY/MM/DD format.
SalesOrderLine Line number from the sales order for the transaction.
SalesOrderRevision Number of the sales order revision.
SalesOrderSource Source of the sales order.
SalesTaxId Value that uniquely identifies the sales tax.

If the first invoice doesn't cover a full billing period, then SecondBillingPeriodStartDate contains the start date of the billing period on the second invoice.

SecondBillingPeriodStartDate applies only for a recurring invoice.

SecondInvoiceDate If the first invoice doesn't cover a full billing period, then SecondInvoiceDate contains the transaction date of the second invoice.
SecondOverrideAmount A value that you can use to override the second amount.
SecondOverridePeriod Number that identifies the period that has an override amount. For example, the first invoice is for period 1, the second invoice is for period 2, and so on.
SecondOverrideQuantity A value that you can use to override the second quantity.
SetOfBooksId Value that uniquely identifies the ledger.
ShipContactPartyNumber Value that uniquely identifies the contact for the ship-to party for the transaction.
ShipCustomerAccountNumber Value that uniquely identifies the account for the ship-to customer for the transaction.
ShipCustomerSiteNumber Value that uniquely identifies the site for the ship-to customer for the transaction.
ShipDateActual Date that Order Management actually shipped the item.
ShipVia Identifies the shipping method.
SoldCustomerAccountNumber Sold-to customer account for the transaction.
SourceApplicationId Value that uniquely identifies the source application. Used for tax purpose.
SourceEntityCode Abbreviation that identifies the source entity. Used for tax purpose.
SourceEventClassCode Abbreviation that identifies the class for the source event. Used for tax purpose.
SourceTrxDetailTaxLineId Value that uniquely identifies the detail tax line for the source transaction. Used for tax purpose.
SourceTrxId Value that uniquely identifies the source transaction. Used for tax purpose.
SourceTrxLineId Value that uniquely identifies the source transaction line. Used for tax purpose.
SourceTrxLineType Value that identifies the line type for the source transaction. Used for tax purpose.
Tax Code that represents a charge that a fiscal or tax authority imposes in a tax regime.

Contains Y or N:

  • Y. The current line is taxable.
  • N or empty. It isn't taxable.
TaxableAmount Amount to tax.

Abbreviation that identifies the tax classification for the transaction line. If the LineType attribute contains:

  • LINE, then you must include a value in the TaxCode attribute.
  • CHARGES or FREIGHT, then leave the TaxCode attribute empty.
TaxExempt Value of the tax exemption for the transaction line.

Number that identifies the tax exempt certificate for a line item that's exempt from taxes. If the LineType attribute:

  • Contains LINE, and if the TaxExemptFlag contains E, then set a value in the TaxExemptNumber attribute.
  • Doesn't contain LINE, then leave TaxExemptNumber empty. The value E in TaxExemptFlag means the item is tax exempt.
TaxExemptReasonCode Abbreviation that identifies the reason why the item is tax exempt.
TaxExemptReasonCodeMeaning Text description of the code that you specify in the TaxExemptReasonCode attribute.
TaxInvoiceDate Date on the fiscal document that Order Management creates when it ships the item.
TaxInvoiceNumber Number on a fiscal document that identifies the tax invoice.
TaxJurisdictionCode Abbreviation that identifies the geographic area where a government applies tax.
TaxPrecedence Number that indicates the sequence to use when calculating tax when more than one tax applies to an invoice line.

Tax rate for this tax line. If the LineType attribute contains:

  • TAX, then you must enter a value in the TaxRate attribute or the Amount attribute.
  • LINE, CHARGES, or FREIGHT, then don't enter a value in the TaxRate attribute.
TaxRateCode Abbreviation that identifies the numeric value to use when calculating the amount of tax.
TaxRegimeCode Abbreviation that identifies the tax regime.
TaxStatusCode Abbreviation that identifies the tax status.
ThirdOverrideAmount A value that you can use to override the third amount.

Number that identifies the period that has an override amount.

For example, the first invoice is for period 1, the second invoice is for period 2, and so on.

ThirdOverrideQuantity A value that you can use to override the third quantity.
ThirdPtyRegId Value that uniquely identifies the tax registration for a third party of the transaction. Order Management gets this value from the transaction's bill-to customer.
ThirdPtyRegNumber Number that identifies the tax registration for a third party of the transaction. Order Management gets this value from the transaction's bill-to customer.
TranslatedDescription Translated description of the transaction line.
TrxBusinessCategory Classifies the transaction for tax purposes.
TrxDate Transaction date. Provide a value in the YYYY/MM/DD format.
TrxNumber Number that identifies the transaction.
UnitSellingPrice Selling price for each in inventory.
UnitStandardPrice Standard price for each unit in inventory.
UOMCode Abbreviation that uniquely identifies the unit of measure.
UOMName Name that identifies the unit of measure.
UserDefinedFiscClass Classify your own tax requirement when the existing fiscal classification types don't meet your needs.
VATTaxId Value that uniquely identifies a value added tax.
WarehouseCode Abbreviation that identifies the inventory organization where you ship the item from.
WarehouseId Number that identifies the Inventory organization where you ship the item from.
WaybillNumber Number that identifies the waybill.


You can use all the attributes described above for the ARInterfaceLine entity on the ARChargeInterfaceLine entity.

You can also use these attributes on ARChargeInterfaceLine, but you can't use them on ARInterfaceLine:

Attribute Description

Value that uniquely identifies a charge component.

OrderChargeId Value that uniquely identifies a charge.

Other Attributes That You Can and Can't Use

You can use these attributes:

  • TransactionInterfaceGdf
  • TransactionInterfaceHeaderDff
  • TransactionLineDff
  • TransactionLineInterfaceGdf

You can't use these attributes:

  • TransactionInterfaceLineDff
  • TransactionInterfaceReferenceDff
  • ReferenceLineId
  • TransactionInterfaceLinkToDff