Flows That Order Management Uses with eBusiness Suite

Order Management communicates order details to and from Oracle eBusiness Suite.

Flow from Order Management to eBusiness Suite

Sales Order Details That Order Management Sends to eBusiness Suite



Customer details

  • Bill To Account

  • Ship To Account

  • Bill To Address

  • Ship To Address

  • Contacts

Order Lines

  • Items, including simple items or complex items, such as kits or pick-to-order configured items.

  • Prices. This integration sets the CALCULATE_PRICE_FLAG attribute to P when it synchronizes the sales order so eBusiness Suite doesn't recalculate prices on the order line. This setting primarily affects freight charges.

  • Ship Set.

  • Requested Ship Date.

  • Payment Terms.

Scheduling Details

If you use Global Order Promising (GOP), then Order Management sends these details.

  • Schedule Ship Date

  • Schedule Arrival Date

  • Ship From Warehouse

  • Shipping Method

Synchronize Sales Order Status Between Order Management and eBusiness Suite

This integration synchronizes statuses between eBusiness Suite and Order Management while it processes the sales order through fulfillment.


Order Management Status

eBusiness Suite Status

Create sales order.

Awaiting Fulfillment


Schedule or reschedule the sales order in eBusiness Suite.

Awaiting Fulfillment

Awaiting Shipping

Ship an order line in eBusiness Suite.



Line reaches Fulfilled status in eBusiness Suite.



Synchronize Customer Details in Sales Orders

This integration synchronizes customer details from Order Management to eBusiness Suite when it creates or updates a sales order.

  • Parties or Accounts

  • Addresses

  • Contacts

If the customer, address, or contact for a new customer doesn't exist in eBusiness Suite, then eBusiness Suite creates them.

In Order Management, attribute Sold To and attribute Ship To are each a party, and attribute Bill To is an account. However, each of these attributes is an account in eBusiness Suite. To solve this problem for Ship To and Bill To, Order Management sends an address when it sends the Ship To customer or Bill To customer to eBusiness Suite. eBusiness Suite uses the combination of address and customer details to identify the account it must use.

The Sold To attribute doesn't include an address, so the integration determines the account differently depending on the condition.



Order Management sends a party name that doesn't exist in eBusiness Suite.

eBusiness Suite creates the party and the customer account.

Order Management sends a party name, but more than one party in eBusiness Suite matches the name that Order Management sends.

eBusiness Suite creates an error and exits the flow.

Order Management sends a party name that exists in eBusiness Suite, but eBusiness Suite doesn't contain a customer account for this party.

eBusiness Suite creates a new customer account for the party.

Order Management sends a party name that exists in eBusiness Suite, and eBusiness Suite contains one customer account for this party.

eBusiness Suite uses the party and customer account that Order Management sends.

Order Management sends a party name that exists in eBusiness Suite, but eBusiness Suite contains more than one customer account for this party.


  • Only one of the accounts in eBusiness Suite uses the same description that the party name uses, then eBusiness Suite uses this account.

  • More than one of the accounts in eBusiness Suite uses the same description that the party name uses, then eBusiness Suite creates an error and exits this flow.

    To correct this problem, you must update the description in eBusiness Suite on one of the accounts so it uses the same description that the party name uses, and then resubmit the sales order.

Create Sales Orders for Configured Items

This integration supports configured items that use pick-to-order and assemble-to-order.

Create Sales Orders for Configured Items That Use Pick-to-Order

Here's the sequence this integration uses to create a sales order for a configured item that uses pick-to-order.

  1. Order Management sends the entire configured item to eBusiness Suite. The status for the configured item and each configure option is Awaiting Fulfillment.

  2. eBusiness Suite triggers events that communicate shipping statuses for Awaiting Shipping and Shipped. eBusiness Suite triggers the events only for shippable lines.

  3. eBusiness Suite sends events to Order Management while it ships each line.

  4. Order Management updates the shippable lines. These lines are in the Shipped status while the remaining lines, such as Model or Option Class, are in the Awaiting Fulfillment status.

  5. eBusiness Suite finishes shipping each order line, the flow moves to the Fulfillment activity, then this step marks each line as Fulfilled. To allow this step to happen, you must enable the Fulfilled status.

  6. eBusiness Suite creates an event for the Fulfilled status for each order line.

  7. Order Management updates each status and marks each order line of the configured item as Fulfilled.

Create Sales Orders for Configured Items That Use Assemble-to-Order

Here's the sequence this integration uses to create a sales order for a configured item that uses assemble-to-order. Note that eBusiness Suite stores an assemble-to-order configured item as a separate line.

  1. Order Management sends the configured item to eBusiness Suite.

  2. eBusiness Suite creates the configured item in eBusiness Suite.

  3. eBusiness Suite creates an event for the order lines that the configured item references while it fulfills the assemble-to-order.

  4. eBusiness Suite synchronizes each status to Order Management in the same way it synchronizes for a pick-to-order configured item, except Order Management stores each configured item as an attribute while eBusiness Suite stores each configured item as an order line. So, this integration doesn't synchronize status updates for these order lines from eBusiness Suite to Order Management.

  5. Order Management updates the status for the configured item, configure options, and items in the same way it updates them for a pick-to-order configured item.

  6. eBusiness Suite eventually closes each order line, then creates a status change event. The connector ignores the Closed status. This integration marks each line in Order Management as Closed when the process finishes all steps.

    If a fulfillment task is the last step in the process, then the integration marks each order line as Closed when the fulfillment task finishes.

Map Status When Creating Sales Order for Configured Item

This integration maps statuses between Order Management and eBusiness Suite when it creates a sales order for a configured item the same way it maps statuses for an item that isn't configured. For details, see the Mapping Statuses When Creating Sales Order for Items section.

Revise Sales Order

This integration supports revisions to a sales order, such as revising an attribute on the order header. Here's the sequence it uses to revise a sales order.

  1. Order Management sends a request to eBusiness Suite to place each order line on hold. If eBusiness Suite.

    • Rejects the hold request. This integration sends an exception message to Order Management and ends this sequence.

    • Successfully places the hold. Order Management sends a change request to eBusiness Suite.

  2. eBusiness Suite processes the change, then this integration releases the hold on the order lines.


  • If the change management flow starts, then this integration releases any hold that already existed on the sales order in eBusiness Suite.

  • Change management applies the hold at the start of processing and releases it when the change finishes.

  • eBusiness Suite can't distinguish whether change management or a user applied the hold. eBusiness Suite only applies one hold when Order Management sends a hold request. If this integration releases a hold as a result of change management, then eBusiness Suite releases the hold in Order Management.

  • eBusiness Suite doesn't automatically release a change management hold. Instead, it applies the release hold request that it receives during the change management flow.

Revise Order Line

This integration supports revisions on an order line.

  • Modify quantity, configuration, or pricing on an order line.

  • Modify addresses or contacts on an order line.

  • Add a new order line to a sales order that already exists.

  • Cancel an order line.

Split an Order Line

An order line split might happen when.

  • Order Management determines it can't meet a customer requirement through a single shipment, then it splits the order line during scheduling and ships the item in more than one shipment.

  • An end-user splits the order line. For example, to meet a customer requirement to receive part of the sales order.

  • The on-hand inventory is less than the ordered quantity and eBusiness Suite ships only part of the quantity, then a split might happen when confirming the shipment.

Ship Item That Your User Splits

Here's the sequence that this integration uses when you split an order line:

  1. An end-user splits an order line in eBusiness Suite.

  2. eBusiness Suite creates a split event that splits the order line.

  3. Order Management receives the event and splits the original order line. Each order line in Order Management is in status Awaiting Fulfillment.

  4. eBusiness Suite ships the order line and creates a shipped status event for each line.

  5. The connector processes this event and sets the order line status to Shipped.

  6. The flow in eBusiness Suite reaches the Fulfillment activity, then creates an event for each line.

  7. Order Management processes each event and sets the order line status to Fulfilled.

Split Item When eBusiness Suite Ships Part of an Order Line

Here's the sequence that this integration uses when eBusiness Suite ships only part of an order line.

  1. eBusiness Suite creates a split event.

  2. The connector processes this event and Order Management splits the order line.

  3. Order Management sets the status of order line x that eBusiness Suite shipped to Shipped, and it sets the status of order line y that contains the remaining quantity to Awaiting Shipping.

  4. eBusiness Suite ships the remaining quantity and creates another event for the Shipped status.

  5. Order Management sets the status of order line y to Shipped.

  6. The flow in eBusiness Suite reaches the Fulfillment activity, then creates an event for each order line.

  7. The connector processes each event and Order Management sets the status for each order line to Fulfilled.

Split a Configured Item

This integration supports only a proportional split when splitting a configured item. For example:

  • Assume a configured item includes a quantity of 5, and configure option x of the configured item includes a quantity of 10.

  • Assume you split the configured item into a quantity of 2 for configured item b and a quantity 3 for configured item c.

  • A proportional split will split option x into a quantity of 4 for item b and 6 for item c.

To support this flow, you must set up a process that includes Step Level Line Criteria to send only the configured item for a return. For details, see Integrate eBusiness Suite With Order Management.

Here's the sequence that this integration uses when eBusiness Suite splits a configured item.

  1. eBusiness Suite splits a configured item, creates a split event, then sends it to Order Management.

  2. The connector processes the event and Order Management splits the configured item.

    If the split references a partial shipment, then Order Management sets the status for each shippable line to Shipped for the part of the configured item that eBusiness Suite shipped, and sets the status for the entire configured item to Awaiting Fulfillment.

  3. Order Management sets the status of the part of the configured item that it created for the remaining quantity, and the order lines that this part of the configured item references, to Awaiting Fulfillment.

  4. eBusiness Suite sets the status of the shippable lines to Shipped and the status of the configured item to Awaiting Fulfillment when it ships the rest of the configured item.

  5. The flow in eBusiness Suite reaches the Fulfillment activity, and then creates another event that sets the status to Fulfilled. Lines for each configure option and nonshippable lines remain in the Awaiting Fulfillment status until the eBusiness Suite flow reaches this step.

  6. Order Management processes the event and sets the status of the order lines that the configured item references to Fulfilled.


  • If an assemble-to-order split happens in eBusiness Suite, then the connector ignores the configured item.

  • If one of your users splits an order line in eBusiness Suite, then the order line in Order Management remains in status Awaiting Fulfillment. eBusiness Suite sets the status of the shippable lines to Shipped when it ships each line, and it leaves the nonshippable order lines in status Awaiting Fulfillment.

    This integration doesn't synchronize status Closed in eBusiness Suite with the status in Order Management. It ignores status Closed from eBusiness Suite. Instead, it sets the status of the order lines in Order Management to Closed when the process finishes all steps.

Create a Return Material Authorization

This integration can send a return material authorization (RMA) to eBusiness Suite for receiving. eBusiness Suite fulfills it, then sends the Return statuses to Order Management.

Return an Item

Here's the sequence that this integration uses to return an item.

  1. Order Management sends the return lines for the return material authorization to eBusiness Suite. The integration sets the status in eBusiness Suite to Awaiting Return and the status in Order Management to Awaiting Fulfillment.

  2. eBusiness Suite receives the return line for the return material authorization, sets the status to Returned, then sets the status in Order Management to Received.

  3. The flow in eBusiness Suite reaches the Fulfillment activity, and then sets the status in eBusiness Suite to Fulfilled and the status in Order Management to Fulfilled. The integration doesn't update Order Management with the intermediate statuses that happen in eBusiness Suite during order fulfillment, such as Awaiting Return Disposition.

Return a Configured Item

Here's the sequence that this integration uses to return a configured item.

  1. Order Management sends the configured item and a reference to the original eBusiness Suite configured item to eBusiness Suite. The return lines in Order Management are in status Awaiting Fulfillment.

  2. eBusiness Suite expands the order lines in the return configured item according to the order lines that the original configured item references. The configured item in eBusiness Suite isn't in status Returned because eBusiness Suite doesn't receive the configured item.

  3. The integration creates the return material authorization and sets the status of the configured item to Awaiting Fulfillment.

  4. One of your users or an automated process returns the order lines that the configured item references in eBusiness Suite.

  5. eBusiness Suite sends the updated statuses to Order Management.

  6. Order Management updates the status to Received, then Fulfilled, then Closed.

Process a Hold

Process a Hold That Your User Creates

Here's the sequence that this integration uses to process a hold that one of your users creates.

  1. One of your users creates a hold in Order Management.

  2. Order Management sends the hold to eBusiness Suite.

    This integration can send only one hold at a time from Order Management to eBusiness Suite because it can't send the Hold Name to eBusiness Suite.

  3. eBusiness Suite applies only the DOO O2C Change Management Hold to the sales order in eBusiness Suite. eBusiness Suite ignores any subsequent hold that Order Management sends. Note that DOO is an abbreviation for distributed order orchestration, which is an earlier version of Order Management, and O2C is an abbreviation for Order To Cash.

  4. Your user releases the hold in Order Management.

  5. Order Management sends the release to eBusiness Suite.

  6. eBusiness Suite releases DOO O2C Change Management Hold.

Process a Hold That Change Management Creates

Here's the sequence that this integration uses to process a hold that change management creates.

  1. Change management revises a sales order in Order Management.

  2. Change management creates a hold in Order Management.

  3. Order Management sends the hold to eBusiness Suite to stop eBusiness Suite from processing the sales order.

  4. eBusiness Suite attempts to hold the sales order. If successful, then eBusiness Suite sends a reply to Order Management that it successfully placed the hold.

    If eBusiness Suite can't hold the sales order, then it sends a reply to Order Management that the hold failed, and Order Management doesn't allow the change. For example, if eBusiness Suite already scheduled the sales order for shipping, it might not be able to change it.

  5. If eBusiness Suite successfully places the hold, then Order Management makes the change, releases the hold, then sends the release to eBusiness Suite.

  6. eBusiness Suite releases the hold.

    eBusiness Suite can't determine whether one of your users created the hold or change management created the hold, so eBusiness Suite releases all holds for this sales order.

Schedule a Sales Order

Process a Sales Order That Order Management Schedules

Here's the sequence that this integration uses to process a sales order that Order Management schedules.

  1. Order Management schedules the sales order, sets values for the Scheduled Ship Date and Scheduled Arrival Date, then sends these attributes to eBusiness Suite.

  2. eBusiness Suite sends these attributes to eBusiness Suite Shipping.

    eBusiness Suite can't and doesn't reschedule these order lines.

Process a Sales Order That eBusiness Suite Schedules

Here's the sequence that this integration uses to process a sales order that eBusiness Suite schedules.

  1. Order Management doesn't schedule the sales order, and it sends the Scheduled Ship Date and Scheduled Arrival Date to eBusiness Suite with empty values.

  2. eBusiness Suite schedules the order lines, then uses the Schedule Ship Date Change event to send schedule details to Order Management. The order line status in Order Management remains at Awaiting Shipping.

Using Global Order Promising

Global Order Promising uses attributes from the sales order to schedule the sales order.

  • Schedule Ship Date

  • Schedule Arrival Date

  • Ship From Warehouse

  • Shipping Method

Processing is different depending who calls Global Order Promising.

Who Calls Global Order Promising


Order Management

Order Management sends attributes to eBusiness Suite, and eBusiness Suite doesn't reschedule the sales order.

eBusiness Suite

eBusiness Suite sends attributes to Order Management, and Order Management doesn't reschedule the sales order.

Flow from eBusiness Suite to Order Management

This integration supports flows from eBusiness Suite to Order Management.

  • Update an order line status.

  • Update the status for an item, a configured item that uses pick-to-order, a configured item that uses assemble-to-order, a kit, or a return material authorization.

  • Update the Scheduled Ship Date, Scheduled Arrival Date, Warehouse, and Shipping Method.

  • Split an order line for.

    • Item

    • Configured item that uses pick-to-order

    • Configured item that uses assemble-to-order

    • Kit

    This split supports partial shipping or supports an action that one of your users does in eBusiness Suite.

eBusiness Suite uses business events to synchronize updates to Order Management.

Split a Return Material Authorization

Here's the sequence that this integration uses to split a return material authorization.

  1. One of your users does a partial receipt, not a delivery, in eBusiness Suite.

  2. eBusiness Suite receives the partial order line.

  3. The eBusiness Suite user does a deliver transaction.

  4. eBusiness Suite splits the order line for the return material authorization into two order lines, and then sets the status of the received line to Returned and the status of the new line to Awaiting Return.

  5. eBusiness Suite sends the split event to Order Management.

  6. Order Management splits the order line into two order lines, and then sets the status of the received line to Received and the status of the new line to Awaiting Fulfillment.

Split Return Material Authorization for a Configured Item

Order Management doesn't support splitting a return material authorization that includes a configured item. It processes status updates only for the configured item, and not for individual order lines that the configured item references. Instead, here's the sequence that this integration uses.

  1. Order Management waits for eBusiness Suite to fulfill the entire configured item.

  2. eBusiness Suite fulfills the entire configured item, then sends an update to Order Management.

  3. Order Management sets the status for the configured item to Fulfilled.

    For example, if the ordered quantity is 10, and if the quantity returned is 5, then Order Management sets the status for 5 of the order lines in the configured item to Awaiting Return, and will process the configured item only after it receives the remaining 5 lines.

Map Status When Splitting a Return Material Authorization

Here are the statuses that this integration maps between Order Management and eBusiness Suite when it splits a return material authorization.


Order Management Status

eBusiness Suite Status

Create a return order.

Awaiting Fulfillment

Awaiting Return

Receive or deliver.



Receive or deliver part of a configured item.



Finish delivery.

