Import Customer Data for Your Sales Orders

Import customer data, then display it on your sales order.

Set Default Values During Order Import

Order import doesn't set the default value for an address, contact, or payment term. Your import payload or the order import template must specify them.

If you use order import template SourceSalesOrderImportTemplate.xlsm, then do these tasks.

  • Use the DOO_ORDER_ADDRESSES_INT worksheet to specify default values for the order header and order lines.

  • Set the values depending on whether your import creates or updates.

    Create or Update


    Create a new sales order

    Send addresses on the order header, and the import will cascade order header data to the new order line.

    Update a sales order

    To set the order header, leave these columns empty.

    • Source Transaction Line Identifier

    • Source Transaction Schedule Identifier

    To set order lines, make sure these columns contain values. An update must contain data for each order line.

  • Use the instructions in the worksheet to set ship-to and bill-to values.

order import template SourceSalesOrderImportTemplate.xlsm.

For details, see Import Orders Into Order Management.

Import Payment Terms

Import Payment Terms.


  • Use the DOO_ORDER_LINES_ALL_INT worksheet of the order import template to import payment terms.

  • Use the Payment Term Code or the Payment Term column.

  • If you use Oracle Financials, then make sure you send payment terms for each order line in each imported order that you must invoice.

  • Order import doesn't support payment terms on the order header so you can't cascade payment terms from the order header to order lines.

Create New Customers

Order Management doesn't provide an administrative interface you can use to create a new customer, but you can use the order import template instead.

  1. Open the DOO_ORDER_HEADERS_ALL_INT worksheet.

  2. Set the Create Customer Information Flag column to Y.

  3. Position the cursor over the column header to view details.

  4. Fill in all customer data on these worksheets.




Other Ways to Create Customer Data

Use the customer import services in Trading Community Architecture to bring customer data into Oracle from your channel system or legacy system.