Import Source Orders That Include Credit Check

Control how Order Management handles credit check for each source order that you import from a source system.

Use a web service or file-based data import. This example does credit check in the source system.

performs credit check in the source system.

Set attributes in the payload you use to import your source order.




Set the value.

  • True. Don't check credit. Order Management won't do credit check on the source order even if you enable credit check for the business unit.

  • False. Do check credit.


Set to any numeric value, such as 9090.

Order Management uses the value that you set to populate the Credit Reference attribute on the order line.

If you import a source order, and if a sales order already exists in Order Management that matches the source order, then Order Management examines the value of Credit Reference in the sales order. If Credit Reference isn't equal to the value of CreditCheckAuthorizationCode, then Order Management checks credit for the source order.


Set to a date value, such as 2016-10-05T10:00:00Z.

Order Management uses the value that you set to populate the Expiration Date attribute on the order line.

If the current date.

  • Happens after CreditCheckAuthorizationExpiryDate. Order Management checks credit.

  • Happens on or before CreditCheckAuthorizationExpiryDate. Order Management doesn't check credit.


  • You can reference PreCreditCheckedFlag from a transformation rule or an order management extension.

  • You can send PreCreditCheckedFlag only through order import.

  • PreCreditCheckedFlag doesn't display in the Order Management work area.

To view the code and date, in the Order Management work area, navigate to a fulfillment view, then open a sales order. On the Order page, in the Fulfillment Line Details area, in the Attributes area, on the Billing tab, in the Credit Approval area, note.

  • CreditCheckAuthorizationCode displays in the Credit Reference attribute.

  • CreditCheckAuthorizationExpiryDate displays in the Expiration Date attribute.

For example:

tab Billing, in area Credit Approval

Here's an example payload.

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""><soap:Header><your security details></soap:Header>
        <ns1:process xmlns:ns1="">
            <ns1:OrchestrationOrderRequest xmlns:ns2="">