Integrate Configured Items

Order Management supports Oracle Configurator Runtime so you can create and validate a configured item.

Order Management calls the ConfiguratorManager service when a sales order includes a configured item. This service creates and validates the configuration.

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Validations That the Configurator Does on Import Payloads

The configurator makes sure:

  • Model definition exists in Product Information Management for each item that the import payload contains.

    • Configuration node

    • Each item

    • Primary UOM for each item

  • Import payload includes a value for attribute ProductNumber for each order line.

  • Import payload includes a quantity for each order line.

  • The Product Information Management work area allows a decimal quantity for each decimal quantity that the import payload contains.

  • Import payload doesn't include more than one root model instance.

  • Import payload doesn't specify an item more than one time, and that Order Management can resolve this item according to a model in Product Information Management.

  • If the import payload includes an optional model reference, then the payload explicitly states the full input path to this model reference.

How Web Services Resolve Missing Nodes in Import Payloads

If a configuration hierarchy in the import payload includes two levels, but if the model in Product Information Management that the payload references includes a different hierarchy, then the createConfigForModelLine web service attempts to modify the structure in the payload so it matches the hierarchy in Product Information Management.

For example, assume the import payload includes a hierarchy.

  • M1

    • SI1

    • SI2

    • SI5

Assume the model in Product Information Management includes a hierarchy.

  • M1

    • SI1

    • OC1

    • SI5

      • SI2

      • SI5

      • M2

        • OC2

          • SI4

          • SI5

createConfigForModelLine will modify the structure from the import payload to this structure.

  • M1

    • SI1

    • OC1

      • SI2

    • M2

      • OC2

        • SI5

How Web Services Handle Quantities in Import Payloads

If the order import payload specifies only one of these quantities for the configuration line.

  • Unit quantity. Then createConfigForModelLine calculates the ordered quantity.

  • Ordered quantity. Then createConfigForModelLine calculates the unit quantity.

If the import payload specifies the unit quantity and the ordered quantity, and if the unit quantity for the configuration line multiplied by the ordered quantity for the immediate parent line.

  • Equals the ordered quantity for the configuration line. createConfigForModelLine can successfully process the line.

  • Doesn't equal the ordered quantity for the configuration line. createConfigForModelLine creates an error and order import fails.

If the import payload specifies a value in the Quantity Per Model attribute, then createConfigForModelLine ignores it and calculates the unit quantity and ordered quantity according to the quantities that the import payload specifies for all configuration lines.