Manage Order Attributes That Identify Change

Set up Order Management to examine an order attribute that identifies change in a change order, then compensate the sales order.

Assume you must create an orchestration process step that uses the Ordered Quantity attribute to identify change.

This topic uses example values. You might need different values, depending on your business requirements.

Manage order attributes that identify change.

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the task.

    • Offering: Order Management

    • Functional Area: Orders

    • Task: Manage Order Attributes That Identify Change

  2. On the Manage Order Attributes That Identify Change page, in the Task Type list, click a task type that looks like it might meet the needs that your orchestration process step requires.

    Order Management comes predefined with a number of task types. To reduce maintenance, use a predefined task type before you create a new one.

  3. Click the row that includes Shipment, then click Actions > Edit.

  4. On the Edit Order Attributes That Identify Change page, in the Orchestration Components list, click a component that you think might contain the attribute that Order Management must use to identify change.

    For this example, click Order Line.

  5. Examine the Attributes list, then take action.

    • The orchestration process step examines each attribute in this list to determine whether to compensate the sales order when it receives a change order. If the list includes the attributes that your step requires to identify change, then set the Task Type attribute on the step to this task type, then go to the next step in this procedure.

      For this example, the list does include Ordered Quantity, so set Task Type to Shipment.

      If the Predefined column in the Attributes list includes a check mark, then you can't remove this attribute.

    • If the Attributes list doesn't include the attributes your step needs to identify change, then do these steps.

    • Click Actions > Select and Add.

    • In the Change Attributes dialog, click an attribute, such as Scheduled Ship Date.

    • Click Apply > OK.

Here are some set ups you can do on the Manage Order Attributes That Identify Change page.

Set Up


Add an attribute to all tasks that the Task Type list displays.

Click Actions > Edit All.

Add new task type.

Click Actions > Create.

On the Create Order Attributes That Identify Change page, add attributes, as necessary.

If you create a new task type, and if you don't use this page to add at least one attribute to the task type, then Order Management won't examine any attributes when it identifies change.