Configure Attributes for an Index

To configure the attributes for the index:

  1. In the Product Information Management or Product Development work area, go to the Task panel tab and click Configure Index from Product Management Experience.
    The Index Management page is displayed. Each object that supports an index is displayed as a card on this page.
  2. Click the card associated with the object for which you want to setup the index.
    The Configure Index page displays the attributes that are in the index for the object. Each index has a default set of attributes that can be used to setup the index. See <Default Index Attributes for details.

    The default attributes will always be a part of the index and you can’t remove them. You can add and remove additional attributes based on the search processes.

  3. To add or remove attributes from the index:
    • To add an attribute, from the Add Attribute drop-down list, select the attribute that you want to add. The selected attribute is added to the table.
      Note: You can also type the attribute name, attribute group name, or the object name in the Add Attribute drop-down list to filter the list of attributes.
    • To remove attributes, select the checkbox for the attributes you want to remove and click Delete. The selected attributes will no longer be seen in the table.
  4. Click Update.
    The data is saved. The page will refresh and show the last updated date stamp indicating the save was successful.
  5. Click Rebuild.
    A dialog box appears with two options for rebuild:
    • Now: The rebuild process is started immediately.
    • Future: Schedule the rebuild process in the future. Because rebuild process can be a lengthy process depending on the data, it's recommended to schedule the process to run during non-work hours.
  6. Click Rebuild.
    The rebuild process starts. A schedule process ID will be provided which can be monitored in the Tools > Scheduled Processes application.

    The first time you trigger the index rebuild process, all the instances of the object data and the selected attributes for the object are ingested to build the index. After the process of rebuilding the index is complete, you can add the attributes to a search view.

    Only one rebuild program can be running at time. If the index is in the building state and you select the Now or Future options, the user interface will display an error message indicating that either another rebuild process is running or the changes that are made to the indexed attribute will be added to the schedule process.