Plan the Search Index

It’s recommended to do some initial planning before configuring the search index.

Here’s a list that you can use to plan the search index:

  • Gather information about the following:
    • Number of items, docs, or both
    • Number of item classes
    • Number of extensible flexfield attribute groups
    • Number of extensible flexfield attributes
    • Number of organizations
    • Number of secured extensible flexfield attribute groups
    • Is Root Item Class public?
    • Do you run Product Development and Product Hub, or only one?
  • Review how the users perform a search. You can use the Saved Searches that have been created. The Saved Searches will identify attributes that you use in search and attributes you display in the results table as columns.
  • Review the attributes that are used to define your objects. For example, in Items, the attributes are defined as extensible flexfields assigned to item classes.
  • You may define many attributes for an object. But not all attributes will be used for search or to display the results.
  • Review how the user searches of specific objects. For example:
    • Search by part number (entering AS14888)
    • Search by class (entering Capacitor)
    • Search by characteristic (entering surface mount)
    • Search by a string within a description (entering phone)

Once you plan your index, you can configure the index for the object by selecting the attributes that’ll be supported in the index and in your searches.