Import Manufacturers

Manufacturers (Trading Partners) can either be added manually or imported. This topic describes how to import manufacturers into the Product Development work area.

Note: If you need to migrate only a small number of manufacturers, you can just create them manually through the Product Development interface pages.

The manufacturer object belongs to Oracle Customer Relationship Management Cloud (CRM), so the import process is different.

To import manufacturers:

  1. Navigate to Tools > Import Management.
  2. In Import Management, search for the Organization template on the Import Objects tab and click the Download icon.
  3. Extract the downloaded CSV file and open the template.
  4. Fill in the template columns with values mapped as shown in the table:
    Spreadsheet Column Title Manufacturer Attribute
    PartyNumber Registry ID
    OrganizationName Manufacturer
    Comments Manufacturer Description
    PartyUsageCode MANUFACTURER
    Country Country (two-digit code: USA > US)
    Addresss1 Address Line1
    Address 2 Address Line 2
    City City
    State State
    Postal Code Postal Code
    Raw Phone Number Primary Phone Number
  5. After you enter manufacturer data into the template, go back to the Import Queue tab in Import Management and click Create Import Activity.
  6. Enter a name and description, set the Object to Organization, and add the CSV file you just filled out.
  7. Click Next and apply Automatic Mapping.
  8. Click Next and then click Submit. After the import completes, your manufacturers will be available in the Product Development work area.