Item Profile Options

Profile options manage configuration data centrally and influence the behavior of applications. The profile options have a default value, which you can use for initial installations.

Review these profile options and determine if you want to change the default values.

Profile Options



Specifies if images are displayed in the search results table in the Manage Items page.


By default, you can't change the item number after you have created the item. However, if you set this option to Yes, you can update items even after they're created.


When you import items, the application creates multiple threads of operation to process the imported items. This profile option controls how many items the application can process per thread. It's a technical option used to optimize the item import performance. The default value is 20. Contact Oracle Support to determine the optimal value before you make a change.


Determines the number of parallel threads of execution used when the item import process is run. The default value is 12. You can use these criteria to configure the profile option:

  • Number of service servers configured on your instance: You can get this information by contacting Oracle Support.

  • Other active processes: Other application processes that may be concurrently running on this server and utilizing the same service servers.

If the item import is the only process running on the instance, you can configure the number of threads up to 16 times the number of service servers. If there are other processes likely to be running concurrently, reduce the number of threads proportionally.

This profile option works in conjunction with the EGP_ITEM_IMPORT_ITEMS_PER_THREAD profile option.

ORA_EGP_TPI_UPDATEABLE Set this profile option to Yes to allow editing of the trading partner item number. This number refers to customer item number, manufacturer part number, competitor item number, or supplier item number.

Set this profile option as No to restrict the import of items revisions with a past date and if the item is assigned to any existing change orders in Scheduled or Completed status.

Setting this as No prevents change orders from getting stuck after the import.

Access the Profile Options

In the Setup and Maintenance work area, use this navigation to access and manage the item profile options:

  • Offering: Product Management

  • Functional Area: Items

  • Task: Manage Item Profile Option