Advanced Item Profile Options

Profile options manage configuration data centrally and influence the behavior of applications. You can access the advanced profile options only if you have licensed Oracle Product Hub and have the privileges of a product data steward.

The profile options have a default value, which you can use for initial installations. Review these profile options and determine if you want to change the default values.

Profile Options



Assigns all child items in the pack to the same organization as the parent pack item.


Assigns all child items in the pack to the same supplier-site- organization combination as the parent pack item.


Enables the assignment of the related SKU items to the same catalog as the style item.


Enables the assignment of the related SKU items to the same organization as the style item.

The automatic assignment of all SKUs happens when the associated style item is assigned to a child organization. However, when a SKU is assigned to a child organization, the style item is also assigned to the child organization but, all of the other SKUs are not automatically assigned to the child organizations.


Enables the assignment of people to the related SKU items as the style item.


Enables the assignment of the related SKU items to the same supplier-site-organization combination as the style item.


Specifies the catalog that you want to use for deriving the item class of the imported items.


Determines the number of items that you want to publish per payload in the publication concurrent program.

It's recommended that you set the profile value as 100.


Determines the number of parallel payloads that you want to publish in the publication concurrent program.

It's recommended that you set the profile value as twice the number of service servers.


Determines whether the application can create an item when it finds a matching item during the data quality check. The default value is Yes.


Determines the number of parallel payloads that you want to publish in the publication concurrent program.

It's recommended that you set the profile value as twice the number of service servers.

Specifies the number of versions or change order lines that become effective in a single thread.

It's recommended that you set the profile value as one so that failure in processing an item line in background jobs doesn’t affect processing the other item line.


Specifies the number of child scheduled processes that run in parallel for multiple threads of versions or change lines.

It's recommended that you set the profile value as two.

ORA_EGI_SPOKE_SYSTEM_REDWOOD_PAGES_ENABLED Enables the new user experience pages to manage spoke systems.
ORA_EGP_DELETE_GROUPS_REDWOOD_PAGES_ENABLED Enables the new user experience pages for Manage Delete Groups.
ORA_EGP_PAGE_LAUNCH_CTRL Controls if the new user experience Structure page will be launched in new browser tab or launch in same browser tab as the Product Management Search page.

Access Advanced Item Profile Options

In the Setup and Maintenance work area, use this navigation to access and manage the advanced item profile options:

  • Offering: Product Management

  • Functional Area: Items

  • Task: Manage Advanced Item Profile Options