Upgrade Manufacturers

After opting in to the Upgrade Manufacturer Management feature, you can perform a mass upgrade of all your existing manufacturers.

After the upgrade, any manufacturers that are created using hubOrganizations REST API, or import will automatically be upgraded as each manufacturer is opened, until a subsequent upgrade is performed.

Manufacturers created with the new REST API don’t have to be upgraded.

Users without Manage or View Manufacturer privileges can’t search or navigate to manufacturers.

To run on-demand manufacturer upgrade scripts, use the Enterprise Scheduler Service job Upgrade Product Management Data with the following selected:

  • Upgrade Process: Execution
  • Functional Area: Manufacturer
  • Feature: Upgrade Manufacturer Management

The manufacturers that aren't visible on the Manage Manufacturers page until the upgrade scheduler process is run include:

  • Manufacturers created before opt in.
  • Trading partner of type Manufacturer created with the hubOrganizations REST API.
  • Manufacturers created using import.