What's Published in the Publication Payload

This table lists the payload that's published for a spoke system. The Publication Criteria column specifies what you define in the spoke system and the Options column specifies the published content.

Publication Criteria



  • Items

  • Item classes

  • Item catalogs

  • Trading partner items

Item entities

  • Attributes

    The attributes are selected by default, and they include:

    • Item main attributes

    • Operational attributes

  • Attachments of type URL

  • Supplier site organizations association

  • Item category assignments

  • Pack hierarchies

  • Item relationships:

    • Global trade item number (GTIN)

    • Related items

    • Cross-references

  • Structures:

    • All

    • Primary

  • All pack items

    All items with a pack type, regardless of membership in a hierarchy, are published whenever a change to the pack occurs.

  • Item selection rules

    Add rules that select certain items.

  • Item validation rules

    Select an existing validation rule set.

Item class entities

  • Item class attachment categories

  • Item class attribute groups

  • Item class descriptive flexfields

  • Data quality attributes

  • Product hub portal attributes groups

  • Item class pages

  • Item class lifecycle phases

  • Item class page attribute group

  • Item class translation content

  • Item overview attribute groups

  • Supplier attribute groups

  • Transactional attributes

  • Transactional attributes translation content

Item catalog entities

  • Catalog translation content

  • Catalog attachments

  • Catalog descriptive flexfields

  • Categories

  • Category translation content

  • Category attachments

  • Category descriptive flexfields

  • Category item assignments

Trading partner item entities

  • Trading partner items for customers

  • Trading partner items for suppliers

  • Trading partner items for manufacturers

  • Trading partner items for competitors

  • Item relationships for related items

  • Trading partner item attachment

  • Trading partner items descriptive flexfields

  • Linked trading partner item relationship for Manufacturer Part Number and Supplier Part Number relationship

Extended Item Data

You can use the Request ID and Object Version Number attributes to improve integration capabilities. The values are provided in the object headers of the published XML.

  • The value of Object Version Number is used by integrated solutions to indicate whether the object is newly created or is updated. A value of 1 indicates that the object was newly created. Each time the object is updated, the value is incremented by 1.

    The XML attribute name is: ObjectVersionNumber

  • The value of Request ID is generated when content is imported through the item batch infrastructure, and is published as part of the publication payload. You can use the ID to filter the published items.

    The XML attribute name is: RequestId

  • Here's an example of a payload, edited to focus on ObjectVersionNumber and RequestId:

    <:ns1:Item ...>

Here are the entities on which RequestId and ObjectVersionNumber are added in the publication payload:

  • Catalog

  • Category

  • Item

  • ItemCategory

  • ItemCrossReference

  • ItemRevision

  • ItemSupplierAssociation

  • ItemSupplierEffCategory

  • Pack

  • RelatedItem

  • Structure

  • SupplierItemXref

  • SysItemXref

  • TradingPartnerItem

Common Structure

The CommonStructure record represents common structure among items.

The publication structure record contains a record named CommonStructure. This record shows details of each item that the master structure was copied from or created from, enabling integration logic to add a copy of the master structure to each item.

The CommonStructure record enables integration to update the referencing common items from the changes in the referenced master common item, for scenarios where the target system for the integration requires a copy of the master item structure at each of the items that reference the master item structure.

Here's an example of a publication payload, edited to focus on CommonStructure records, which are highlighted here by doubled asterisks (**):

        <Items ... >
<ns1:Item ... >
   <ns1:Structure ... >
      <ns14:Description>Primary Structure for Common Publication</ns14:Description>
      <ns14:Component ... >
**    <ns14:CommonStructure>
         <ns14:Description>Primary Structure for Common Publication</ns14:Description>
**    <ns14:CommonStructure>
         <ns14:Description>Primary Structure for Common Publication</ns14:Description>