Quantity-Based and Fixed-Price Line Differences

You can view quantity-based items and fixed-priced lines in the same interface. However, there are several differences between these two line types.

An example of a quantity-based line item is 55 boxes. An example of a fixed-price line item is security services for an amount of 1000 USD.

Quantity-Based Lines

Quantity-based lines include a physical quantity. Quantity-based lines display the actual quantity in the Quantity field. For quantity-based lines, the Currency field is not applicable. Instead, the UOM field displays the applicable unit of measure for the quantity-based item. You can return and correct quantity-based lines.

Fixed-Price Lines

Fixed-price lines don't have a physical quantity. Fixed-price service lines display an editable amount instead of a quantity in the Quantity field. For fixed-price service lines, the UOM field is not applicable. Instead, the Currency field displays the currency and the currency is not editable. You can correct fixed-price service lines, but you cannot return them.