Movement Request Approval Process

Movement requests with a movement request type of Requisition are enabled for approvals using workflow.

Here are the steps for the movement request approval process:
  1. Configure rules for approvals
  2. Create movement request
  3. Approval notification sent
  4. Approver approves notification
  5. Movement request is approved

Configure Rules for Approvals

Configure your movement request approval rules on the Manage Movement Request Approvals page.

Approval rules are routing policies or rules that are evaluated to determine the approvers or FYI recipients for a business transaction. At least one rule with the condition Rule always applies must be created to prevent movement request approval transactions from getting stuck.

You must have the Manage Inventory Movement Request Approvals privilege to define approval rules for movement requests.

Create Movement Request

Once the rules are configured, you can create and submit the movement request. Use the Create Movement Request page to create and submit your movement request for approval. Use the Manage Movement Requests page to search for approved, rejected, and pending approval lines.

Here are some notes about your approval movement requests on the Manage Movement Requests page:
  • The movement request is in Pending Approval status until it’s approved.
  • On approval, the movement request moves to Approved status.
  • On rejection by any of the approvers, the movement request moves to Rejected status and nothing more can be done on the movement request.
  • You can search for Approved, Rejected, and Pending Approval lines.
  • You can’t edit or cancel a movement request in the Approved, Rejected, or Pending Approval status.

Approval Notification Sent

Movement request approvals use the Oracle Analytics Publisher notification. When a user submits a Movement Request requisition type, it’s sent for approval, and notifications are sent to approvers based on the rules and conditions defined on the Manage Movement Request Approvals page.

Approver Approves Notification

Approvers receive an email as well as a notification in the global header section under Notifications (bell) icon. You can take actions like approve or reject through email, by clicking the bell icon notification, or using the BPM worklist.

You must have the Approve Inventory Movement Request Notification privilege to view the notification body. This privilege is assigned by default to the Warehouse Manager role.

Movement Request is Approved

As a default configuration, FYI notification is sent to the Created By user once the movement request is approved or rejected. This is a seeded notification and can’t be changed by users.