Set Up Approvals for Movement Requests

Prior to using approvals for movement request, you must enable participants and define your approval rules.

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, use the Manage Movement Request Approvals setup task:
    • Offering: Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management
    • Functional Area: Inventory Management
    • Task: Manage Movement Request Approvals
  2. On the Manage Movement Request Approvals page, enable a participant by selecting a row and clicking the Enable button, or by selecting Enable from the Actions menu.

    Note that the participant name conveys both the participant type and the voting regime. You may choose to use and enable at least one participant for defining the approval rules.

  3. After enabling a participant, select the Edit Rules button to access the Edit Approval Rules page where you can create new rules or edit, copy, or delete existing rules.

    Define a rule name, conditions, and add actions to complete a rule.

    Note: Each participant (except for those containing the First Responder Wins voting regime must have at least one rule with the condition Rule always applies to prevent failed approval transactions.
  4. Enter a rule name.
  5. Click the Add Condition button to add conditions for the approval rule.
  6. Click the Add Action button to add actions for the approval rule.
  7. You can also optionally set up approval groups using the Manage Approval Groups task to configure rules for movement request approvals.