Transfer Demand

Use the Transfer Reserved Quantity page to transfer demand details for existing reservation lines. You can transfer a partial or the complete reserved quantity to one or more demand types.

For example, you may identify material that you need to transfer from low-priority demand to high-priority demand. You can then transfer the reserved quantity to one or more demand types using the Transfer Reserved Quantity page.

From the Search Results section of the Manage Reservations and Picks page, you can navigate to the Transfer Demand page. Select Transfer Reserved Quantity from the Actions menu.

Source Demand Documents

You can view the total reservation quantity of the selected demands and the total transfer quantity at the bottom of each column. The value for the total transfer quantity changes as you enter or change the value of the Transfer Quantity field.

The Source Demand Document reservation lines should all belong to the same organization.

Destination Demand Documents

Use the Destination Demand Documents section of the Transfer Reserved Quantity page to:

  • Search for destination demand documents by document type, document number, document line, and demand document name.

  • Enter the transfer quantity for any available line to choose that as the destination for demand.

    Note: The total transfer quantity for lines in the Source Demand Document section should be always greater than the total transfer quantity for lines in the Destination Demand Document Demand section of the page.
  • Add user-friendly demands for which reservations already exist.

You can also remove any search results rows from this region.

In the search results, the value for the Transfer Quantity field defaults as 0. You must enter the correct transfer quantity and it needs to be less than the remaining unfulfilled quantity for the demand. Once you enter the transfer quantity, click Save and Close to transfer the material reserved from the source demand lines to the destination demand lines.

Note: You can't enter the transfer quantity for any line for which the destination demand details match the demand details of the source demand lines.