Transfer Supply

Use the Transfer Supply page to transfer the supply details from existing reservations lines to one or more reservation lines.

For example, you may want to transfer reservations from on-hand inventory to any future purchase orders that are incoming. Also, if one or multiple lots are bad, you may want to transfer the reservations to other lots. You can transfer the partially or complete reserved quantity to one or more supply types using the Transfer Supply page.

From the Details section of the Manage Reservations and Picks page, you can navigate to the Transfer Supply page. Select Transfer Supply from the Actions menu of the Reservations tab.

Transfer Reservations from Supply

The transfer quantity for each line on the Transfer Supply page defaults from the reservation quantity. You can change this value. You can view the total reservation quantity and total transfer quantity at the bottom of each column. The value for the total transfer quantity changes as you enter or change the value of the Transfer Quantity field.

The Transfer Reservations from Supply reservation lines should all belong to the same organization. You can remove any rows from this region.

Transfer Reservations to Supply

Use the Transfer Reservation to Supply section of the Transfer Supply page to:

  • Search for availability at different levels such as organization, subinventory, lot, and locator

  • View the entire availability picture

  • Enter the transfer quantity for any available line to choose that line as the destination supply

You can also remove any rows from this region.

In the search results, the value for the Transfer Quantity field defaults as 0. You must enter the correct transfer quantity and it needs to be less than the value in the Available to Reserve Quantity field. Once you enter the transfer quantity, click Save and Close to transfer the source supply for all the demands in the source reservation lines (Transfer Reservations from Supply section) with supply from destination supply sources (Transfer Reservations to Supply section).

Note: You can't enter the transfer quantity for any line for which the destination supply details match the supply details of the source reservation lines.


In the Transfer Quantity from Supply section, enter the quantity of the reservation you want to transfer from the supply.

In the Transfer Quantity to Supply section, search and select the new supply for you to transfer the reservations. For example, if you know that there is more quantity coming in for a particular item on a purchase order. Search for and select that purchase order row, and enter the quantity of the reservation that you want to transfer to that supply.

Save and close the page. This moves the reservation for that on-hand demand supply to the purchase order supply.