How does the task groupings and relevant stakeholder notifications happen?

You define the traceability grouping parameters as part of the implementation. That implies that you define traceability grouping either by inventory organization, location, or subinventory.

Based on these grouping parameters, tasks are grouped, and notifications are sent.

For example, if you define each department as a location, and the traceability grouping parameter is set as location, then:

  • recalled parts traced in different subinventories of that location are grouped together

  • a common count task is assigned for that location

  • a notification for count task is sent to the user responsible for that location

Similarly, if you define each department as a subinventory, and the traceability grouping parameter is set as subinventory, then:

  • recalled parts traced in different stock locators of that subinventory are grouped together

  • a common count task is assigned for that subinventory

  • a notification for count task is sent to the user responsible for that subinventory