Catalog and Category Attachments

Catalogs and categories support attachments and use a common component for managing attachment content. You can add attachments on both the Create Catalog and Edit Catalog pages.

The attachment component displays a plus sign icon indicating that no attachments are available for the object. The Attachment dialog appears when you click the plus sign icon. You define the attachment by selecting the attachment type, file name or Uniform Resource Locator (URL), title, description, and by indicating whether the attachment can be shared with other objects. Once you define the attachments and click the OK button, that attachment title appears in the attachment component region of the page along with an X icon that you can click to delete the attachment.

The attachment file types are:

  • File

  • Repository File or Folder

  • Text

  • URL


You must provide a title for the file and create a description for the attachment. You select a file to upload from your desktop.

Ensure that you don't inadvertently add the same attachment more than once. It's possible to add attachments with the same title, description, file, or attachment category to the same catalog or category.

Repository File or Folder

You click the Browse button to attach a repository file or folder from the document repository to a catalog. The attachment repository contains existing attachments and is organized as a set of folders. The Browse button launches the Attachment Repository dialog to enable you to select an attachment. You must provide a title for the repository file or folder and create a description for the attachment.


Enter the text string in the field that you want to appear as an attachment. You must provide a title for the text and create a description for the text attachment.


Enter the URL address to a web page that you want to attach to the catalog. You must provide a title for the URL attachment and create a description for it.

The Share check box alerts users that you added an attachment and the date that you performed the task.