Category Edits

Categories can be edited only from within the Edit Catalog page, on the Category Hierarchy tab.

To edit a category, expand, or search in, the tree of categories associated with the catalog, then select the row for the category in the category hierarchy table and edit the category's attributes in the category's Details panel. A category can only be edited if the category is active and its associated catalog is active or future dated. If a category is directly shared, the same category can be edited in multiple catalogs, except for the item assignments that are local to the catalog you are editing.

Category information can be edited in both the Details and Items subtabs.

Details and Items Tabs

The following fields are editable in the category:

  • Category name

  • Description

  • Attachments

  • Category start date

  • Category end date

  • Items assigned to category

After changes are made, the Save button saves your changes without closing the Edit Catalog page. The Save and Close button saves your changes and closes the Edit Catalog page.