Purge Imported Item Interface Tables

You can purge the data from interface tables pertaining to import process. This permanently removes all records in the batch from the import interface tables.

You must purge batches after the batch has been imported successfully, and you have ensured that the data in the interface tables is no longer required.

A high volume of records in the interface table contributes to poor performing queries, data backup, data recovery, new index creation, and so on, thus affecting the import performance. Hence, there is a limit for the number of records in the interface tables. A warning message is displayed when the number of records in any of the interface table reaches five million and will indicate that you must purge the records. If you continue to ignore this message, then after a threshold limit of six million records in any interface table, the import process displays an error message. The Purge Interface Tables scheduled process log file will have a table that provides a list of interface tables, estimated number of records in each interface table, and the warning and error limits for each table.

You can purge the interface table data using one of these methods:
  • Manage Item Batch page (if you have an Oracle Product Management Cloud Service subscription)
  • Purge Interface Tables scheduled process (if you don't have an Oracle Product Management Cloud Service subscription)
  • purgeBatchData operation in the Batch Maintenance SOAP service

Purge Interface Tables from Manage Item Batch Page

To purge the interface tables from the Manage Item Batch page:
  1. In the Product Information Management work area, go to the Manage Item Batches task.
  2. Search and select the item batch that you to purge.
  3. In the Search Results, highlight the item batches that you want to purge.
  4. From the Actions menu, click any of the following options:
    • All Rows - Purge all rows in the item batch including rows with the status error and completed.
    • Error Rows - Purge rows in the interface table that were terminated due to errors.
    • Completed Rows - Purge rows in the interface table that were completed.

    The data is purged in the interface tables based on your selection.

Purge Interface Tables Using Purge Interface Tables Scheduled Process

You can purge the records from interface tables that are uploaded using FBDI and non-FBDI modes:
  • FBDI Mode – Records with valid load request IDs are purged.
  • Non-FBDI Mode – Records are purged only when purge predicate is defined.
To purge the interface tables using the Purge Interface Tables scheduled process:
  1. In the Scheduled Processes work area, click Schedule New Process.
  2. Search and open the Purge Interface Tables schedule process.
  3. Specify the following parameters:
    • Purge Process Intent – Select one of the following modes:
      • File-based data import - Purge the records that were loaded using file-based data import. You can purge based on the specified load request ID or a range of load request IDs.
      • Maintenance – Purge the interface table entries and the extracted files in the file location that are older than 30 days or a user-defined age.
      • Other - Purge the records that were loaded using non-FBDI methods. You can purge based on the specified request ID or a range of request IDs.
    • Import Process – Select the import process for which you want to purge the interface table records.
    • If you have selected File-based data import as Purge Process Intent mode, specify one of the following:
      • Enable load request ID ranges – Select this option and specify the range of the load request IDs in the Start Load Request ID and End Load Request ID fields.
      • Load Request ID – Specify the load request ID based on which the purge must be performed.
    • Extract Data – If you have selected File-based data import as the Purge Process Intent mode, then select this option to indicate whether the entries to be purged must be extracted and uploaded to a file location or not.
    • Allow context purge of data – Select this option if Purge Predicate must be considered while purging the FBDI entries.
    • Number of Days – If you have selected Maintenance as the Purge Process Intent mode, then specify the number of days to a number greater than 30. The interface table entries and the extracted files in the file location exceeding this value for a given import process are purged.
    • If you have selected Other as the Purge Process Intent mode, specify one of the following:
      • Enable request ID - Select this option and specify the Start Request ID and End Request ID.
      • Request ID – Specify the request ID.
  4. (Optional) Click Advanced and schedule the process to run at a later date and time. You can schedule the Purge Interface Tables job when the Purge Process Intent mode is Maintenance.
  5. Submit the scheduled process.

The scheduled process deletes the interface table records for the selected import process.

Auto Schedule Purge Job

The Purge Interface Table scheduled process purges the interface and error table data (default setting is within 30 days of the initial load). Before purging the records, the interface and error data is extracted and uploaded to a file location for the individual product import process that’s used.

The extracted file format is: ImportBulkData_<ImportJobName>_<LoadRequestId>.zip

The Purge Interface Table scheduled process will also purge these extracted files automatically (default setting is within 30 days of the initial file load).

You can access the extracted files using:
  • File Import and Export UI
  • ERP Integration Service Operations

Purge Interface Tables Using purgeBatchData Operation

You can purge the interface tables using the purgeBatchData operation in the Item Batch Maintenance SOAP Web service. For more information, see the Item Batch Maintenance SOAP Web service in the SOAP Web Services for SCM guide, available at docs.oracle.com.