View Audit History for an Item

You can view the data changes made to the audit-enabled item attributes using the History tab on the Edit Item page. The audit data is available only for the item that you are currently viewing or editing. By default, this tab displays the changes made in the recent week for the item. It also shows the Context Name and Context Value columns that provide additional information for the data that requires context information. For example, if Category is the audited attribute, then Context Name is Catalog Name and the Context Value is the catalog name to which the category belongs to.

You can access audit data related to the item, item level EFF, item level EFF security, item structure, item structure component, pack component, and related item relationship operational attributes. You can access the same data using the existing Audit Reports available in the Navigator’s Tools menu.

To view the audit data for an item and all the applicable child objects on the History tab, you must have the View Item Basic data privilege and the View Selected Item Audit History function security privilege. Make sure that your audit policy includes the item data attributes that you need. Additional data security is not needed. Hence, when granting access to the History tab for your users, you may carefully review their item data security restrictions as applicable.

You can also perform searches for the audit data based on a combination of search criteria such as time period, the type of data changes (add, update, or remove), a specific field, a specific value in a field, and a specific portion of data such as item level extensible flexfields (EFFs). You can export the search results to a spreadsheet for further analysis.