Create a Bill of Resources

Use this detailed example to learn how to automatically create a bill of resources.

Assume you need a bill of resources for the AS66311 item. For details about this item, including its hierarchy, see Example of Creating a Bill of Resources.

Summary of the Setup

  1. Set up the item and the work definition.
  2. Create the simulation sets.
  3. Set up promising and planning.
  4. Collect data.
  5. Create the bill of resources.

Set Up the Item and the Work Definition

  1. Go to the Product Information Management work area and set the attributes for items in the M1 organization.

    Search for and open each item, click Specifications > Planning, then set the values.

    Item Make or Buy Processing Lead Time Postprocessing Lead Time
    AS66311 Make 2 Days AS66311
    CM66311 Buy 0 Days CM66311
    CSB113 Buy 0 Days CSB113
    SB66311 Make 3 Days SB66311
    SubComp1 Buy 0 Days SubComp1
    SubComp2 Buy 0 Days SubComp2

    To set the lead times, set the values in the Lead Times area.

  2. Go to the Work Definition work area, click Tasks > Manage Work Definitions, then create a work definition in the M1 organization.
    Assembly ID Quantity Component Usage Quantity Effective From Date Effective To Date
    AS66311 1 SB66311 2 1/1/2022 12/31/2022
    SB66311 1 SubComp2 4 1/1/2022 12/31/2022
  3. Make your critical items. For details, see Guidelines for Creating a Bill of Resources.
    Item Critical Component
    AS66311 Yes
    CM66311 No
    CSB113 No
    SB66311 Yes
    SubComp1 No
    SubComp2 Yes

Create the Simulation Sets

  1. Go to the Plan Inputs work area.
  2. In the search results, click View > Manage Columns, move the Critical Components attribute to the Visible columns window, then click OK.
  3. Add the first item to your simulation set.
    • Search for the value.
      Attribute Value
      Item AS66311
    • In the search results, click the row that has your item, then click Actions > Add to Simulation Set.
    • In the dialog that displays, click the down arrow, click Create Simulation Set, then set the value.
    • Attribute Value
      Simulation Set Items for Vision Pad
    • Click Save and Close > Save and Close.
    • In the search results, in the row that has your item, notice the value. If you didn't set this value in the work definition, then set it now.
      Attribute Value
      Critical Component Yes
  4. Add the next item.
    • Search for the value.
      Attribute Value
      Item CM66311
    • In the search results, click the row that has your item, then click Actions > Add to Simulation Set.
    • In the dialog that displays, add the item to the Items for Vision Pad simulation set, then click Save and Close.
  5. Repeat step 4 for these items.
    • CSB113
    • SB66311
    • SubComp1
    • SubComp2
    Make sure the Critical Component attribute contains Yes only for AS66311, SB66311, and SubComp2.
  6. Add a resource to your simulation set.
    • On the Plan Inputs page, click Open.
    • In the dialog that displays, search for the value, then click OK.
      Attribute Value
      Name Resources
    • In the search results, click the row that has you resource, then click Actions > Add to Simulation Set.
    • In the dialog that displays, set the value, then click Save and Close.
      Attribute Value
      Simulation Set Resources for Vision Pad
  7. Repeat step 5 for these resources.
    • AS66311 Assembly Machine
    • Labor for SB66311
    Make these resources critical. Set the value for each resource.
    Attribute Value
    Bottleneck Yes
  8. Create an output simulation set.
    Attribute Value
    Simulation Set Output for Vision Pad

Set Up Promising and Planning

  1. Go to the Global Order Promising work area.
  2. Click Tasks > Order Promising Options, then set the value.
    Attribute Value
    Simulation Set Items for Vision Pad
  3. Click Tasks > Manage ATP Rules, then create a new rule.
    Attribute Value
    Name ATP Rule for Vision Pad
  4. Click ATP Rule Assignment, then assign the items.
    • AS66311
    • SB66311
    • CSB113
    • SubComp2
    Use the Item and Organization assignment basis, and assign them to the M1 organization.
  5. Click Tasks > Manage Sourcing Rules, then create a separate sourcing rule for each item.
    Item Sourcing Rule
    AS66311 Make At
    SB66311 Make At
    SubComp2 Buy From

Collect Data

Collect routings and item structures from your work definitions. The Create Bills of Resources scheduled process uses this data as input.

  • Go to the Plan Inputs work area, click Tasks > Collect Planning Data, then collect these entities:
    • Items
    • Item Structures
    • Work Definitions

For details, see Collect Data for Global Order Promising and Collect Planning Data for Your Configuration Model.

Create the Bill of Resources

  1. Sign in with the privileges that you need to run scheduled processes.
  2. Go to the Scheduled Processes work area, then run the Create Bills of Resources scheduled process.
    Parameter Value
    Bill of Resources Template Capable to Promise
    Source System GOP
    Level Members in the Organizations area Select all the organizations that contribute to making the item available.

    Select the same catalog that you use on your assignment set, such as GOP_Catalog.

    For details about catalogs and categories, see How Catalogs Work Together.

    Level Category Level 1
    Level Members in the Items area DOO_Assembly
    Assignment Set Select the set that has the sourcing rules that you use to promise the item.
    Input Simulation Set

    Items for Vision Pad

    It’s the simulation set that you created earlier in this topic.

    Attribute Used to Include Components Critical Components
    Attribute Used to Include Resources Bottleneck
    Output Simulation Set

    Output for Vision Pad

    The scheduled process uses this set as input to Promising.

    You must select an output simulation set that's different from the input simulation set.

  3. Click Advanced > Schedule.
  4. Enable the Using a Schedule option, then set the values.
    Parameter Value
    Frequency Daily
    Days Between Runs 1
    End Date Set a date far into the future, such as several years into the future. This way, you will automatically create your bills of resources without having to constantly redo this process.
    The process will run one time each day. It works for most implementations. The frequency you need might be different.
  5. Click Submit.
  6. In the search results, click Refresh, and make sure the status says Succeeded.
    You can also examine the log file. For example:
    ESS job ID: 90395
    Template ID: 1
    Source System: 300100110961352
    Assignment Set ID: 100000012019057
    Input Simulation Set ID: -23453
    Include Components: 0
    Include Resources: 1
    Output Simulation Set ID: 300100546173131
    Initializing BOR Generation
    Selected Orgs: GOP:M1 (ID:42638)
    Selected Categories: DOO_Assembly (ID:10989)
    Processing Org Id:42638-Category Id:10989
    Total Assemblies in the Org Id:42638-Cat Id:10989 - 0
    BOR Generation Complete
    Make sure you see BOR Generation Complete.
  7. Examine the bill of resources.
    • Go to the Plan Inputs work area, then click Open.
    • In the dialog that displays, search for Aggregate Bill of Resource, then click OK.

      Notice that you're now on the Aggregate Bill Of Resource tab of the Plan Inputs page.

  8. In the search area, search for the values.
    Attribute Value
    Organization M1
    Component Item SB66311
    Assembly Item AS66311
    Resource AS66311 Assembly Machine
  9. In the search results, verify that you can see the bill of resources. For example:
    Assembly Item Resource Lead Time Offset in Days Usage Quantity
    SB66311 AS66311 Assembly Machine 3 Days 2 (hours)
    SubComp2 AS66311 Assembly Machine 4 Days 4 (hours)

Here's what the scheduled process does:

  1. Searches the manufacturing components and resources that you need to make the AS66311 in the M1 organization.
  2. Finds that SB66311 and AS66311 Assembly Machine are each in the M1 organization, then creates them as manufacturing components of the assembly item.
  3. Looks to see whether the manufacturing components and resources in the SB66311 subassembly are in the work definition.
  4. Finds the Labor for SB66311 resource and the SubComp2 manufacturing component in the M1 organization, and sees that they are critical, so it creates a separate bill of resources for the SB66311.

Assume the Requested Date is January 29, a Friday, and that the manufacturing calendar uses a 5 day, Monday through Friday work week. Here's how Promising determines availability.

  1. Searches for AS66311 on the Requested Date, January 29.
  2. Searches for SB66311 on the Requested Date minus 3 days, which is January 26, a Tuesday.
  3. If the SB66311 isn't available, then it searches for SubComp2 on Requested Date minus 7 days. 7 days is the AS66311 lead time of 3 days plus the SB66311 lead time of 4 days. This is January 20, a Wednesday.
  4. If the SubComp2 manufacturing component isn't available, then it searches for the Labor for SB66311 resource on the Requested Date minus 7. This is also January 20, a Wednesday.
  5. Searches for AS66311 Assembly Machine on the Requested Date minus 3 days, which is January 26, a Tuesday.

Promising uses this sequence to determine when the manufacturing component or resource must be available to meet demand for the requested item according to the promised date:

  • If the item isn't available, then the SB66311 manufacturing component and the AS66311 Assembly Machine resource in the bill of resources must be available 3 days before the promise date, which is January 26.
  • If SB66311 isn't available, then its manufacturing components and resources must be available 4 more days before the promised date, which is 7 days earlier than the Requested Date, January 20.
  • It continues this sequence until it finishes planning the item.