Manage Supply After the Promising Horizon Expires

Buy, make, or transfer supply even after the promising horizon expires.

Try it.

  1. Go to the Order Promising work area.
  2. Click Tasks > Order Promising Options, then set the Supply at End of Horizon attribute to one of these values.
    Value Description
    Assume Supply is Infinitely Available

    Use this value when:

    • You don't have enough supply to meet demand.
    • The requested date on the order line happens after the promising horizon.
    • You can no longer find a way to buy, make, or transfer more supply.

    If Promising can’t find supply for your item, then it will continue to schedule order lines even after the horizon expires.

    Assume no Supply is Available

    If Promising can’t find supply before the horizon expires, then it assumes no supply is available and returns an error.

    If you have set up a substitution for your item, and if the requested date happens after the horizon expires, then Promising will use that substitute item when:

    • · You haven't set up an infinite time fence that expires before the horizon expires.
    • · Promising can't schedule the order.

Assume Supply is Infinitely Available

If you set the Supply at End of Horizon attribute to Assume Supply is Infinitely Available, then:

  • Promising will apply this behavior globally for all items.
  • Promising will apply your ATP time fence for sales orders that it can fulfill before the horizon expires.
  • If the requested date happens after your infinite time fence expires, and if no supply is available, then Promising will set the scheduled date to the requested date. It will do this whether you set the Request Type to Ship or to Arrive On.
  • If you haven't set up a sourcing rule for the item, then Promising won't consume any of the existing ATP supply and will instead assume that ATP supply is infinitely available and schedule the order.
  • If you don't split the order line when supply meets a threshold, then Promising won't consume the supply that's available. Instead, Promising will provide a buy, make, or transfer recommendation for the entire demand.

Assume the requested date happens before the infinite time fence expires. If the requested date happens:

  • Before the ATP time fence expires. Promising will use the available-to-promise supply first, and then capable-to-promise supply.
  • After the ATP time fence expires. Promising will use capable-to-promise supply first, and then available-to-promise supply.

Assume the requested date happens after the infinite time fence expires. Promising will use the available-to-promise supply according to the ATP time fence and your sourcing rule. It will also assume:

Value Description
Source Promising Assumes
Buy from supplier The supplier has infinite capacity.
Make at organization The organization has infinite resources and manufacturing components.
Transfer from upstream organization The upstream organization has infinite supply.

Promising won't actually consume any supply. It will only provide supply recommendations.

For details:


Consider how the setting that you make on the Supply at End of Horizon attribute works in different scenarios.

Scenario Assume Supply is Infinitely Available Assume no Supply is Available
1. Requested Date < ITF < Horizon Promising finds supply on a date between the requested date and the ITF. Same result as when you use Assume Supply is Infinitely Available.
2. Requested Date < Horizon < ITF, and there's sufficient supply within the horizon. Promising schedules supply between the requested date and the end of the horizon. Same result.
3. Requested Date < Horizon < ITF, and there isn't sufficient supply within the horizon. Promising schedules infinite supply at the end of the horizon. Scheduling fails.
4. ITF < Requested Date < Horizon Promising schedules infinite supply, and sets the scheduled date to the requested date. Same result.
5. Horizon < Requested Date < ITF Same as above. Scheduling fails.
6. ITF < Horizon < Requested Date Same as above. Same result.
7. Horizon < ITF < Requested Date Same as above. Scheduling fails.
8. Horizon < Requested Date, you haven't set up an ITF, and there isn't sufficient supply within the horizon. Same as above. Scheduling fails.
9. Requested Date < Horizon, you haven't set up an ITF, and there isn't sufficient supply within the horizon. Promising schedules infinite supply, and sets the scheduled date to the end of the horizon. Scheduling fails.
10. ITF = Horizon Same as above. Same result.
11. Requested Date < ATF < ITF < Horizon, and part of the supply is available. Promising consumes part of the supply, and sets the scheduled date to the ITF. Same result.
12. ATF < Requested Date < ITF < Horizon, and part of the supply is available. Promising schedules infinite supply, and sets the scheduled date to the ITF. Same result.
13. ITF < ATF < Requested Date < Horizon Promising schedules infinite supply, and sets the scheduled date to the requested date. Same result.


  • Assume that scheduling succeeds in all scenarios where you use Assume Supply is Infinitely Available.
  • Assume that the ITF (infinite time fence) supply is infinitely available in every scenario.

For brevity, we use a short hand description for each scenario. For example, Requested Date < ITF < Horizon means:

  • The requested date happens before the ITF expires.
  • The ITF happens before the promising horizon expires.