How You Use Dimensions and Dimension Catalogs in Supply Chain Planning

Oracle Fusion Cloud Supply Chain Planning has hierarchy levels by which you can view, compare, and analyze demands and supplies of your products over various dimensions, such as geography and organizations.

Oracle Supply Chain Planning uses a single set of dimensions and hierarchies to drive aggregation context for demand planning, supply planning, embedded analytics, and management analytics.

Oracle Supply Chain Planning provides predefined planning dimensions. Each of those dimensions has a predefined hierarchy. When you implement the Oracle Supply Chain Planning offering, you must decide which dimensions and hierarchies to use for demand and supply analysis.

Each dimension catalog has a collection of hierarchies in different dimensions that is enabled for use in the plan options. By default, all predefined hierarchies are available in Planning Analytics. You can disable certain dimensions that are not relevant for your plans. For example:

  • If you are only using demand plans, then supplier, resource, and order type dimensions may not be relevant

  • If you are using sales and operations plans, then the order type dimension is not relevant

The following hierarchies are predefined in Oracle Supply Chain Planning:

  • Customer

  • Demand Class

  • Exception Type

  • Order Type

  • Organization

  • Plan

  • Product

  • Resource

  • Supplier

  • Source

  • Time

Access the Configure Planning Analytics page from a Supply Chain Planning work area. Depending on your security privilege, you can also open the Configure Planning Analytics page from the Setup and Maintenance work area.

  • To access the Configure Planning Analytics page from a Supply Chain Planning work area:

    1. Click the Tasks panel tab.

    2. In the Tasks panel drawer, click the Configure Planning Analytics link

  • To access the Configure Planning Analytics page from the Setup and Maintenance work area, select the following:

    • Offering: Oracle Supply Chain Planning

    • Functional Area: Supply Chain Planning Configuration

    • Task: Configure Planning Analytics

In the Dimension Catalogs tab, several hierarchies are available in various dimensions. You can specify which hierarchy to use in a particular dimension catalog. For example, you can select an organization type hierarchy, a product type hierarchy, or a customer hierarchy to use in plans for analysis. After you define a dimension catalog, you can assign it to a plan that will use the set of hierarchies for analysis.

You can select one of your dimension catalogs to be used as the default dimension catalog in plans. If you do not select a default catalog, the predefined catalog named Default Catalog is used.