Overview of Planning Analytics

Configuring planning dimensions and hierarchies on the Configure Planning Analytics page is a key setup to use the analytics in Supply Chain Planning work areas.

It has a unified dimensional hierarchy for various uses. Depending on your security privilege, you can also open the Configure Planning Analytics page from the Setup and Maintenance work area by selecting the following:

  • Offering: Supply Chain Planning

  • Functional Area: Supply Chain Planning Configuration

  • Task: Configure Planning Analytics

To run plans successfully, you must complete the following Configure Planning Analytics tasks:

  • Set Up Dimension Catalogs

  • Set Up Measure Catalogs

  • Set Up Levels and Attributes

You can use the default hierarchies for most of the dimensions.

If the default product catalog named Product is not collected, then you must select at least one product hierarchy. If a default product catalog is collected, then the predefined Product hierarchy is selected as a product hierarchy by default. You can optionally add or change the product hierarchy. You must include at least one product hierarchy when creating a dimension catalog.

On the Configure Planning Analytics page, Levels and Attributes tab, you can configure your planning table and graphs to display descriptions instead of codes for the following entities: Items, Organizations, Resource, Work Center, and Work Area.