Structure of a Link to an External System

This topic explains the structure of a link to an external system from a table or graph in an Oracle Fusion Cloud Supply Chain Planning module. The topic also provides examples of such links.

A link to an external system consists of these parts:

  • Base URL: You supply this part of the link in the Full URL field on the Create Application Integration page. The link must include the host information and can also include the port details. This part is displayed in the Base URL field in the Create Link to External System dialog box and can't be modified.

    For example, the base URL could be as follows:

  • Page or report path: You supply this part of the link in the Page Path field in the Create Link to External System dialog box. This path is appended to the base URL and contains details about the page or report in the external system to which you're creating the link.

    Along with the page path, you can also pass the name or ID of the Oracle Supply Chain Planning plan you're in to restrict the displayed information in the linked, predefined or user-defined analysis or report in Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence (OTBI), Oracle Analytics Cloud, or Oracle Analytics Publisher.

    An example of the report path without the plan context is as follows: /analytics/saw.dll?Dashboard&PortalPath=%2Fshared%2FCustom%2FSCP%2FSalesOrders_Booking_Rpt%2FSO_Bookings_Rpt4&Page=page%201&Action=Navigate, where SO_Bookings_Rpt4 is the name of the report.

    An example of the report path with the plan context is as follows: /analytics/saw.dll?Dashboard&PortalPath=%2Fshared%2FCustom%2FSCP%2FPL_OTBI_report2%2FDM_Plan_Details&Page=page%201&Action=Navigate&col3=%22Plan%22.%22Plan%20Name%22&val3=#PlanName#

    You must provide the plan context only when the page or report in the external system has a filter for the plan context, and you want to review the information by plans. For example, a link to an external web page doesn't require plan context.

  • Linking parameters: You supply this part of the link in the Linking Parameters section on the To External System tab in the Manage Links dialog box. The linking parameters contain details about the dimensions, levels, and level members in the table or graph. This information is appended to a combination of a base URL and page or report path and opens the external system object with the context of the data in your table or graph.

    For example, the linking parameters could be as follows: "Distributed Order Orchestration - Fulfillment Lines Real Time"."Order Header Detail"."Ordered Date"&op1=bet&val1=timestamp '#StartDate# 00:00:00' timestamp '#EndDate# 23:59:00'

    After the link is encoded, when it's accessed from a table or graph, and the runtime values for the contextual parameters are passed, the linking parameters would look as follows: &col1=%22Distributed%20Order%20Orchestration%20-%20Fulfillment%20Lines%20Real%20Time%22.%22Order%20Header%20Detail%22.%22Ordered%20Date%22&op1=bet&val1=%22timestamp%20%272022-06-01%2000%3A00%3A00%27%22+%22timestamp%20%272022-06-30%2000%3A00%3A00%27%22

The resulting, concatenated link opens the external system object with the context of the selected data in your table or graph.

Example of a Link to an OTBI or Analytics Cloud Report or Analysis

You must meet these requirements while creating a link from a table or graph to a report or analysis in OTBI or Analytics Cloud:

  • In the Parameter field on the To External System tab in the Manage Links dialog box, enter the names in the col<number> format. For example, the parameter names could be col1, col2, col3, and so on.
  • In the Value field on the To External System tab, enter the names for the subject areas and columns to which you're passing tokens, and enclose this information in quotation marks.

    Then, enter the tokens in the val<number> =<token name> format. The token names mustn't be within double quotation marks.

    If required, include operators, which you must preface in the op<number> format (for example, op2=bet).

This example depicts how the linking parameters would look before the link is encoded:

col1="Submitted Date (Booked Date) - UTC"."Submitted Date"&val1=timestamp '#MemberName# 00:00:00'

col2="Fulfillment Line Details"."Demand Class Meaning"&val2=#MemberName#

col3="Product"."Product Number"&val3=#MemberName#

col4="Planning Date 1"."Period Start Date"&op4=bet&val4=#StartDate# #EndDate#

After the link is encoded, the linking parameters would look as follows: &col1=%22Submitted+Date+%28Booked+Date%29+-+UTC%22.%22Submitted+Date%22&val1=%22timestamp+%27<date from selection context>+00%3A00%3A00%27%22&col2=%22Fulfillment+Line+Details%22.%22Demand+Class+Meaning%22&val2=%22<member name from selection context>%22&col3=%22Product%22.%22Product+Number%22&val3=%22<member name from selection context>%22&col4=%22Planning%20Date%201%22.%22Period%20Start%20Date%22&op4=bet&val4=%22<start date from selection context>%22+%22<end date from selection context>%22
Note: Ensure that the numbers for the parameter, value, and operator names are the same for a combination of a parameter and value.

Example of a Link to an Analytics Publisher Report

You must meet these requirements while creating a link from a table or graph to a report in Analytics Publisher:

  • In the Parameter field on the To External System tab in the Manage Links dialog box, enter the access parameters for Analytics Publisher.

    Some examples of access parameters are as follows:

    • _paramsp_itemname
    • _paramsp_fromdate
    • _paramsp_todate
    • _paramsp_customer
  • In the Value field on the To External System tab, enter the token names.

    Match the access parameters for Analytics Publisher to the available token names for links to external systems.

This example depicts how the linking parameters would look before the link is encoded:





After the link is encoded, the linking parameters would look as follows: &_paramsp_itemname=<member name from selection context>&_paramsp_fromdate=<start date from selection context>&_paramsp_todate=<end date from selection context>&_paramsp_customer=<member name from selection context>