Overview of Sales and Operations Plans

Before you can run a sales and operations plan, you must create the plan and define its options. Plan options determine the actions of the planning services by specifying the type of plan to run.

These options specify the scope of the plan in terms of organizations, items, resources, time horizon, planning measures, and more. Plan options also configure whether to plan demand and supply separately or sequentially within a plan. Use the Create Plan page in the Sales and Operations Planning work area to create the plan and define its options.

Navigate through the following tabs on the Create Plan page to set up plan options for your sales and operations plan:

  • Scope: Specify plan organizations, items, time horizon, and measures used in the plan.

  • Demand: Specify forecasting profiles to include when planning demand.

  • Supply: Specify general and organization-specific options for planning supply.

The Manage Plans page in the Sales and Operations Planning work area is for integrated plan management. The following are some of the tasks that you can perform from the Manage Plans page:

  • Create and define plans

  • Create a copy of existing plans

  • Open an existing plan

  • Run plans in batch mode

  • Perform data refresh on your plans

  • Approve plans

For existing sales and operations plans, use the Manage Plans task to search for and open a plan. To access the Manage Plans page and open an existing sales and operations plan, do the following:

  1. From the Navigator click the Sales and Operations Planning work area link.

  2. Click Manage Plans from the Tasks drawer.

  3. On the Manage Plans page, provide the appropriate search criteria and click Search.

  4. In the search results area, select your plan and click the Actions button.