Aggregate Collected Planning Data: Create Snapshot of Aggregated Measure Data

Use the Aggregate Collected Planning Data: Create Snapshot of Aggregated Measure Data child process to aggregate measure data for the planning-level profiles selected in the parent Aggregate Collected Planning Data scheduled process.

When to Use

When you submit the parent Aggregated Collected Planning Data scheduled process, it automatically calls the Aggregate Collected Planning Data: Create Snapshot of Aggregated Measure Data scheduled process.

The Aggregate Collected Planning Data: Create Snapshot of Aggregated Measure Data scheduled process runs after the Aggregate Collected Planning Data: Create Snapshot of Aggregated Dimension Data scheduled process is run. The Aggregate Collected Planning Data: Create Snapshot of Aggregated Dimension Data scheduled process is also submitted by the parent scheduled process.

Note: You can't select and submit the Aggregate Collected Planning Data: Create Snapshot of Aggregated Measure Data scheduled process in the Scheduled Processes work area

In the Scheduled Processes work area, you can't select and submit the Aggregate Collected Planning Data: Create Snapshot of Aggregated Measure Data scheduled process.

Privileges Required

  • Run Plan with Snapshot (MSC_RUN_PLAN_WITH_SNAPSHOT_PRIV, for the parent scheduled process)


Not relevant, because the child scheduled process is automatically submitted by the parent scheduled process when you run it.


Parameter Optional or Required Description Parameter Value Special Combinations Required Notes
Profile ID Required ID of the planning level profile The ID of the planning level profile submitted through the parent scheduled process None The user can't select the parameter because the child scheduled process is submitted by the parent scheduled process.
Measure ID Required ID of the measure for data aggregation The ID of the measure None The user can't select the parameter because the child scheduled process is submitted by the parent scheduled process.
Mode Required The type of the run for the scheduled process
  • 1 (Targeted)
  • 2 (Net change)
None The user can't select the parameter because the child scheduled process is submitted by the parent scheduled process.
Note: Selecting a planning-level profile for the Aggregate Collected Planning Data scheduled process submits an instance of the Aggregate Collected Planning Data: Create Snapshot of Aggregated Measure Data scheduled process for each combination of the planning-level profile and a measure. Selecting ALL for the Aggregate Collected Planning Data scheduled process submits an instance of the Aggregate Collected Planning Data: Create Snapshot of Aggregated Measure Data scheduled process for each planning level profile in the Enabled or Ready status.

Troubleshooting Information

  • You can view the status of the scheduled process in the Scheduled Processes work area.
  • If the scheduled process takes a long time to run, click Cancel Process.
  • The errors and warnings for the scheduled process are displayed in a log file.
  • You can't take actions on warnings that display while the scheduled process is running.
  • If the scheduled process isn't successfully run, review the error messages in the log file.
  • If the reason for the failure isn't clear, review the diagnostic log files with Oracle Support.