Intrastat Collection Validation Report

Use the Intrastat Collection Validation Report scheduled process to print the summary of the error descriptions corresponding to the error transactions.

This scheduled process is also launched by the Validate Intrastat Transactions scheduled process and by the Collect Intrastat Transactions scheduled process when run with the Validate parameter set to Yes.

The Intrastat Collection Validation Report provides a summary of the input parameters for which the report is run. It also provides a summary of the input parameters for which the Validate Intrastat Collections scheduled process is run. It provides an error description corresponding to a transaction number or an Intrastat movement ID. You can fix the error transactions based on the action provided for the different error messages. The error message for each type of exception is defined in the following table.
Error Condition Action to Fix Error
Commodity code isn’t entered for an item. You must enter a category for the item under the Intrastat catalog.
Unit weight wasn’t defined for the item. You must enter a unit weight for the item in the organization and rerun the Intrastat collections.
Net mass couldn’t be derived for the transaction. Enter the unit weight for the transaction in Manage Intrastat Transactions, and then save and validate the record.
UOM conversion wasn’t defined between unit weight UOM and reporting weight UOM. Unit weight UOM is different from the reporting weight UOM, but you haven’t defined a conversion factor between the unit weight UOM (UNIT_WEIGHT_UOM) and the reporting weight UOM (REPORTING_WEIGHT_UOM).
UOM conversion wasn’t defined between supplementary UOM and primary UOM of the item. You should report a supplementary quantity for this transaction, but you haven’t defined a conversion factor between the supplementary UOM (SUPPLEMENTARY_UOM) and the primary UOM (ITEM_PRIMARY_UOM).
Mode of transport is required, but isn’t defined for the freight carrier or shipping method. Enter a mode of transport for the shipping method (SHIPPING_METHOD_NAME) or freight carrier (FREIGHT_CARRIER_NAME).
Delivery terms aren’t defined for the transaction. The value provided for the Delivery Term attribute is invalid.
Transaction code couldn’t be derived for a transaction. You haven’t defined a rule to determine the transaction code for this transaction. Update the rules and rerun collections.
Fiscal regime couldn’t be derived for a transaction. You haven’t defined a rule to determine the fiscal regime for this transaction. Update the rules and rerun collections.
Statistical code couldn’t be derived for a transaction. You haven’t defined a rule to determine the statistical code for this transaction. Update the rules and rerun collections.
VAT registration isn’t defined for a trading partner. The VAT registration is no longer valid. You must enter a valid VAT registration on the Intrastat parameters of the legal reporting unit.
Destination region or region of origin couldn’t be derived. The destination region should be reported for this transaction, but a region (LOCATION_REGION_ATTRIBUTE) isn’t entered for the location (LOCATION_ADDRESS).

When to Use

Use the Intrastat Collection Validation Report scheduled process to view the error transactions and the reasons corresponding to the errors.

Privileges Required

  • Validate Intrastat Transactions (JMF_VALIDATE_INTRASTAT_TRANSACTIONS_PRIV)


Review the following before setting up this scheduled process:
Error Condition Action to Fix Error
Job Type Ad hoc job


Frequency As required, usually run at the end of the general ledger period when the declaration for the Intrastat transactions is submitted to the regulatory authority.
Time of Day Any time.
Duration The process should complete within a few minutes if there are few transactions. It could take up to an hour if the transaction volume is very large.
Compatibility There can be multiple instances of the process running for different legal reporting units, but it's recommended to schedule the process so that only one instance of the process is running at a time.


Parameter Optional or Required Description Parameter Values Special Combinations Required Notes
Legal Entity Required Name of the legal entity for which you want to run the collections. Legal entity None N/A
Legal Reporting Unit Required Name of the legal reporting unit associated to a legal entity. Legal reporting unit None N/A
Period Optional Period during which the Intrastat transactions need to be collected. Period You must provide a value for the Period if no values are provided for the From Date and To Date parameters. N/A
From Date Optional Date from which the Intrastat transactions need to be collected. Date You must provide a value for the From Date if no value is provided for the Period parameter. N/A
To Date Optional Date until which the Intrastat transactions need to be collected. Date You must provide a value for the To Date if no value is provided for the Period parameter. N/A
Flow Type Optional Select an option for the flow type. If you don’t select an option, the program uses all flow types. Select the specific type of transaction to be collected:
  • Arrival
  • Arrival adjustment
  • Dispatch
  • Dispatch adjustment
Leave this field blank to let the program run for all flow types. N/A
Source Transaction Optional Specific type of arrival or dispatch transaction. Choose All if you want to run the process to consider all types of transactions. Transaction Choose All to run the process for all types of arrival or dispatch transactions. N/A

Troubleshooting Information

  • You can view the status of the process in the Scheduled Processes work area.
  • Once the process is complete, it will have a log file and an output file.
  • When the process is submitted, you can use the Cancel Process button as provided by the Scheduled Processes work area.