Manage Landed Cost

Use the Manage Landed Cost scheduled process to interface data from purchasing and payables system to landed cost management, auto-associate invoices, and allocate landed cost charges to associated purchase order schedules.

The Manage Landed Cost scheduled process contains the subprocesses listed here:

  • Prepare material purchase order data

  • Prepare invoice data

  • Associate invoices to trade operation charges

  • Allocate landed cost charges

This process is available under the task pane of the Receipt Accounting work area and can't be scheduled from the Schedule Processes work area.

When to Use

When you procure materials using purchase orders, you can also create landed cost trade operations to capture any additional landed costs that are associated with the purchased materials such as freight, insurance, brokerage, and tax. The Manage Landed Cost process automates tasks to allocate landed cost charges to material purchases and matching accounts payable invoices to the landed cost charges. If you use landed costs, you are encouraged to schedule this process to run at least once a day. You can run and schedule this process using the Manage Landed Cost Processes task in the Receipt Accounting work area.

Privileges Required

  • Allocate Estimated Charges (CML_ALLOCATE_ESTIMATED_CHARGES_PRIV)


Review the following before setting up this process:
Specification Description
Job Type Ad hoc job


Frequency You are encouraged to schedule the process to run at least once per day. The process can be run more than once per day, but you should avoid scheduling processes more frequently than necessary for your business purposes. Avoid scheduling the process on a frequency that might overlap. Allow for a lag between the end of each scheduled process and the start of the next scheduled process.
Time of Day Any time.
Duration Runtime of this process will vary based on the number of landed cost transactions and purchase orders.
Compatibility The process is designed to automatically detect incompatibilities and will gracefully branch around the incompatibility, log errors, and exit when necessary. However, it's highly recommended to schedule the processes in such a way as to avoid overlapping process runs.


Parameter Optional or Required Description Parameter Value Special Combinations Required Notes
Run Control Required

The run control contains the subprocesses you want to schedule. You can create more than one run control to schedule the subprocesses on a different frequency. The subprocesses are:

  • Prepare material purchase order data
  • Prepare invoice data
  • Associate invoices to trans operation charges
  • Allocate landed cost charges.
Run Control Name N/A N/A
Prepare material purchase order data Optional The subprocess is used to interface material purchase orders from purchasing system to landed cost management. N/A N/A
Prepare invoice data Optional The subprocess is used to interface invoices from payables system to landed cost management. N/A N/A
Associate invoices to trade operation charges Optional The subprocess is used to automatically associate invoices to the trade operation charges based on the match criteria. Optionally configure additional parameters

You can select specific procurement business units (BU) for this processes.

Each BU can be set up for invoices and charge lines created in a specific time frame. Automatic association review and option to include closed or inactive trade operations can also be used.

Allocate landed cost charges Optional The subprocess is used to allocate estimate or actual landed cost charges to the associated purchase order schedules. Optionally configure additional parameters You can select specific procurement BUs for this processes. Each BU can be configured for charge lines created in a specific time frame, trade operation number, and charge line status. You can also configure whether the charges should be transferred to Receipt Accounting.

Troubleshooting Information

  • You can view the status of the process in the Scheduled Processes work area.

  • Error and warning messages encountered while running the process are displayed in the process log file.

  • When the process is submitted, you can Resubmit, Put on Hold, Cancel Process, Release Process as provided by the Scheduled Processes work area.

  • You can view the results of the process by using the Review Landed Cost Processes task from the Receipt Accounting work area.

  • To run the process, you must have data access to the appropriate procurement business units.