Period Costing Account Balances by Supporting References Report

Use the Period Costing Account Balances by Supporting References report to view cost accounting balances in summary and detail mode and reconcile the Cost Accounting subledger with the General Ledger.

This report serves as a Trial Balance for the Cost Accounting subledger. You can view and reconcile account balances in the context of the Cost Accounting subledger, which can be especially useful during reconciliation if you use same accounts for multiple journal sources.

You can also view and reconcile summary and detail balances for a period at the ledger level or for each cost organization and cost book depending upon your enterprise structure and the level at which you reconcile accounts. You can reconcile the account balances at the levels listed here:

  • Accounting Line Type: View summary opening balance, period activity (debits and credits), and closing balance for each cost accounting type.

  • Accounting Line Type and Account: View summary opening balance, period activity (debits and credits), and closing balance for each cost accounting line type and account. You can review balances at account level for an accounting line type. Pay attention to same account being used for multiple accounting line types and confirm whether it's as per expectation. You can drill down to Period Activity Details to view transaction information and ensure transactions are correctly classified.

  • The Period Activity Details view provides a clear link between Inventory and Costing transaction attributes, cost distribution and General Ledger accounting information distributions to help in reconciliation. View Period Activity Details to understand the change to account balance during the period to substantiate account balances. Review transaction information to ensure transactions are classified correctly from an accounting perspective and flag any reconciliation issues.

When to Use

You should run this process when you need to review balances in the account. This report is typically generated at the end of the financial reporting period.

Privileges Required

  • View Cost Transaction Data (CST_VIEW_COST_TRANSACTION_DATA)


Review the following before setting up this process:
Specification Description
Job Type Ad hoc job/on demand.
Frequency You are encouraged to generate this report at least once per reporting period. You should avoid scheduling this process more often than necessary for your business purposes. Avoid scheduling the process on a frequency that might overlap. Ensure that you maintain a lag between the end of a scheduled process and the start of the next scheduled process.
Time of Day Any time.
Duration Runtime of this process will vary based on the number of transactions in the period.
Compatibility The process is designed to automatically detect incompatibilities and will gracefully branch around the incompatibility, log errors, and exit when necessary. However, it's highly recommended to schedule the processes in such a way as to avoid overlapping process runs.


Parameter Optional or Required Description Parameter Value Special Combinations Required Notes
Summarization Level Required The level at which the report information must be summarized.

Accounting line type

Accounting line type and account

Period activity details

Primary Ledger Required Specify whether the ledger is the primary ledger.

Yes (default)


Ledger Required Select the ledger for which the report must be generated. Ledger name N/A N/A
Cost Organization Required if Summarization Level set to Period activity details. Provide the cost organization for which you want to view the report. Cost Organization Name Select a cost organization if Summarization Level is set to Period activity details. N/A
Cost Book Required if Summarization Level set to Period activity details. Provide the cost book in combination with the cost organization to review the account balances for a specific cost organization and cost book combination. Cost Book Name Select a cost book if Summarization Level is set to Period activity details. N/A
Period Required The period for which you want to generate the report. Period name N/A N/A
Accounting Line Type Required Select the accounting line type for which you want to review the balances. Accounting line type name N/A N/A
Account Range Optional Define the filters to set the account range.

You can view balances for account range by specifying segments defined in the chart of accounts.

This option is applicable only if the Summarization level is set to Accounting line type and account or Period activity details. N/A
Exclude Accounts with No Activity Optional Specify whether to include accounts with no activity for the selected period in the report.

No (default)


This option is applicable only if the Summarization level is set to Accounting line type or Accounting line type and account. N/A
Start Date Optional The starting date within the selected period from which the period activities must be considered for the report. Date This option is applicable only if the Summarization level is set to Period activity details. If not specified the start date of the period is considered.
End Date Optional The ending date within the selected period till which the period activities must be considered for the report. Date This option is applicable only if the Summarization level is set to Period activity details. If not specified the end date of the period is considered.
Commit Interval in Days Required

5 (default)

Number between 1 and 31

This option is applicable only if the Summarization level is set to Period activity details. Use this option to optimize the performance of the report background process. However, it's recommended that you don't change it from the default value of 5.

You can optionally set the advanced parameters listed here.

Option Description Value Notes
Schedule Use this option to select the frequency of generating the report.
  • As soon as possible

  • Using a schedule

Output Use this option to control the layout & output file format of the report.
  • Name: User-defined
  • Layout: Period Account Balances Report
  • Format: HTML, CSV, Excel, PDF, Data, RTF


Notification Use this option to trigger notifications for the users.
  • Recipient
  • Condition

Troubleshooting Information

  • You can view the status of the process in the Scheduled Processes work area.

  • Error and warning messages encountered while running the process are displayed in the process log file.

  • When the process is submitted, you can Resubmit, Put on Hold, Cancel Process, Release Process as provided by the Scheduled Processes work area.

  • To run the process, you must have data access to the appropriate cost organization.

Tips and Considerations

With reference to this report, you must note the points listed here:

  • The report works on the basis of supporting references defined in Subledger Accounting for each journal line rule. By default, all predefined journal line rules for costing have the supporting references listed here:

    • Cost Organization

    • Cost Book

    • Inventory Organization

    • Item

    • Journal Line Rule

  • If you've defined your own journal line rules for Cost Accounting, ensure that the above supporting references are updated against each journal line rule associated with the active journal entry rule set. Journal lines rules seeded in the application already have the supporting references updated.

  • If the above supporting references aren't enabled against the journal lines, this report won't display balances for the corresponding accounting line types and accounts. The report, however, will provide information on such journal lines missing supporting references in the parameters tab of the report.

    You must update supporting references for journal line rules identified as exceptions in the parameters tab of the report. Updating supporting references won't fix account balances retrospectively. Use the Subledger Accounting functionality to update correct balances against each of the supporting references for the latest period.

  • All account balances are displayed only in the context of Cost Accounting subledger. When reconciling accounts, certain account balances may require reviewing balances across multiple subledgers or at the General Ledger level.

    • To get a complete picture of the balances and period activity, you must review the additional balances in Receipt Accounting subledger for the accounting line types listed here; these are appended with a double asterisk (**) in the report:

      • Clearing

      • Trade Clearing

      • Receiving Inspection

      • Interorganization Receivables

      • Consigned Clearing

      • Consigned Inspection

      • Consigned Receivables

      • Trade In-Transit Valuation

    • To get a complete picture of the balances and period activity, you must review the additional balances in other subledgers or at General Ledger level for the accounting line types listed here; these are appended with an asterisk (*) in the report:

      • Material Overhead Absorption: Contains only credits when overheads are absorbed into inventory or expense in Cost Accounting. The debits to book the expenses may be recorded in a different subledger or directly in the General Ledger.

      • Resource Absorption: Contains only credits when overheads are absorbed into WIP inventory or expense in Cost Accounting. The debits to book the expenses may be recorded in a different subledger or directly in the General Ledger.

      • Offset