Receive Collaboration Customer Demand

Use the Receive Collaboration Customer Demand scheduled process to receive the customer-submitted measure data into Demand Management so it can be included in a plan.

You can control data that's submitted to Oracle Demand Management from Oracle Demand Collaboration by specifying a Synchronization Profile or any of these parameters:

  • Source System (required)
  • Plan
  • Planning Calendar
  • Planning Time Level
  • Plan Measure (required)
  • Collaboration Document (required)
  • Document Measure (required)

After the process completes, these processes also execute:

  • "ESS job to create index definition and perform initial ingest to OSCS" process to index Supply Chain Collaboration data for Oracle Search.
  • "Purge Deleted Collaboration Documents" when the PURGE_DELETED_COLLAB_DOCS_SCP_SCHEDULE deployment parameter has been exceeded.

In addition, you'll receive a bell notification when the new customer collaboration data has been received by Demand Management into plan inputs.

When to Use

You can push measure data to Demand Management after it arrives for Demand Collaboration, based on your business process. For example, if all customer demands are received weekly by Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. at the latest, you can schedule this process to run every week on Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. to move that data to Demand Management.

Privileges Required

  • Perform Order Orchestration and Planning Data Collection (MSP_PERFORM_ORDER_ORCHESTRATION_AND_PLANNING_DATA_COLLECTION_PRIV)


Review these specifications before setting up this scheduled process:

Specification Description
Job Type Can run regularly using a schedule that corresponds with the end of your business process, or it can be run at any time when required.
Frequency Typically, once a week, as needed by your business processes.
Time of Day Depends on your business process.
Duration Typically, it takes only a few minutes, but depends on the volume of data getting processed.
Compatibility Only one instance of the job should be running at any time There’s no current functional need to run multiple instances of this process simultaneously.


Parameter Optional or Required Description Parameter Value Special Combinations Required Notes
Synchronization Profile Optional Synchronization profile you want to use for receiving Customer Demand data into Oracle Demand Management.

Select the name of the profile.

None Use this parameter to derive values for all the other parameters, and to hide those parameters in the ESS Scheduled Processes work area.
Source System Required if Synchronization Profile is blank. Planning Source System that identifies the source of the import data. Select the planning source system code name.
Plan Optional The name of the target demand plan in Oracle Demand Management to push to a specific plan. Leave the field blank to push to plan inputs. Select the plan name. The values are limited to plans for the source system selected. Available if Synchronization Profile is blank.
Planning Calendar Optional Planning Calendar you want to use. Select or search for a relevant planning calendar. The calendar values are limited to those applicable to the plan selected. Available if Synchronization Profile is blank.
Planning Time Level Optional Planning Time Level to want to use. The values are limited to those applicable to the Plan selected. Available if Synchronization Profile is blank.
Plan Measure Required if Synchronization Profile is blank. The name of the target demand measure in Oracle Demand Management. Measure data for the target demand measure will be overwritten. Select or search for the relevant plan measure. The values are limited to those applicable to the Plan selected. Measures are filtered to predefined measures only if the ORA_VCS_SCC_SCP_MEASURE_MAPPING configuration is True.
Collaboration Document Required if Synchronization Profile is blank. The document definition used to pick the demand data for performing the receive. Select the name of the source document in Oracle Demand Collaboration.
Document Measure Required if Synchronization Profile is blank. The document measure used to pick the demand data for performing the receive. Select the name of the source document measure in Oracle Demand Collaboration The values are limited to those applicable to the Collaboration Document selected.

Troubleshooting Information

  • You can view the status of the Receive Collaboration Customer Demand scheduled process in the Scheduled Processes work area.
  • Validation errors and warning messages display in the error log.
  • After you submit the scheduled process, you can perform any of these tasks in the Scheduled Processes work area:
    • Resubmit it
    • Put it on hold
    • Cancel the process
    • Release the process
  • After the receive operation completes, these scheduled processes also execute:
    • "ESS job to create index definition and perform initial ingest to OSCS" process to index Supply Chain Collaboration data for Oracle Search.
    • "Purge Deleted Collaboration Documents" when the PURGE_DELETED_COLLAB_DOCS_SCP_SCHEDULE deployment parameter has been exceeded.
    • PlanningCollection job set to process the data.