Schedule Product Upload Job

Use the Schedule Product Upload Job scheduled process to import product data and attachments from spoke systems (external systems maintained by your suppliers or your own legacy systems) into Oracle Product Hub using various business processes.

One of your business processes might require your spoke system to upload their product data files, their attachments, and a manifest file into Oracle WebCenter Content’s Contribution folder, after which you asynchronously import the uploaded data and attachments into Product Hub, based on the manifest file. A manifest file is a CSV file in which each line provides a manifest data set that consists of the import map name, its associated data file name (including the path), and the attachment file name (including the path).

For such a business process, you can import the WebCenter Content resident data and the attachments into Product Hub using the Schedule Product Upload Job scheduled process. When the process starts running, it launches the Schedule Item Import scheduled process as a child process for each manifest data set. The Scheduled Product Upload Job process will complete only after all the child processes are completed.

When the Scheduled Product Upload Job process is completed, the data file and the attachment files from the WebCenter Content’s Contribution folders will be deleted.

This process supports:
  • Import item data for creating new items and updating existing items.
  • Import attachments.
  • Import multiple sets of data files and their associated attachment files using a data file specific import map.
  • Schedule the import process to align with your internal item on boarding process.
  • Periodic automated execution, if the name of the name of the manifest file (including the path) is maintained constant.
  • Produces error file.
  • Alert users for when the import is successful or unsuccessful.

When to Use

You can use this process when the spoke systems periodically provide multiple data files with attachments based on the manifest file.

Privileges Required

  • Manage Scheduled Processes (FND_MANAGE_SCHEDULED_PROCESSES_PRIV)
  • Manage Product Upload (EGS_MANAGE_PRODUCT_UPLOAD_PRIV)


Review the following before setting up this scheduled process:

Specification Description
Job Type Run this process as an ad hoc job to upload the product data provided by the spoke system from WebCenter Content’s folders. However, it could also be submitted for an automated periodic execution. In such repeat scenarios, you must maintain the same manifest file name (including the path), while you might refresh the manifest file with a new manifest data set.
Frequency Run this process as an ad hoc job or on a periodic basis. If this process is run on a periodic basis, frequency of execution must be aligned with your business processes for the specific spoke system’s product data updates. For example, if a spoke system is designed to upload product data once a week, then the Scheduled Product Upload Job process must be scheduled to repeat on a weekly basis. This will help in maintaining the best utilization of your resources.
Time of Day If you've a large volume of data, you can schedule this process for off-peak hours.
Duration Typically, it takes several minutes to a few hours, depending on the volume of data and the complexity of the item data being created or updated. For example, importing items with complex child objects such as multiple-row EFFs, multiple structures, complex validation and assignment rules, and bundles takes longer duration compared to items that have only operational attributes.
Compatibility N/A


Parameter Optional or Required Description Parameter Values Special Combinations Required Notes
Manifest File Path Required Provide the name of the manifest file (including the path name) residing in the WebCenter Content’s Contribution folder. Manifest file name including path None N/A
Spoke System Required Enter the spoke system name configured in the Manage Spoke Systems work area. Spoke system name None N/A
Product Upload Read only parameter If the value has a tick mark, it denotes that the Schedule Product Upload Job process has been launched directly from the Scheduled Processes work area. This parameter is maintained by Product Hub. N/A None N/A
Product Hub Portal Flow Read only parameter If the value has a tick mark, it denotes that the Schedule Product Upload Job process has been launched from the Supplier Portal > Product Upload Schedules feature available in the Manage Products work area. This parameter is maintained by Product Hub. N/A None N/A

Troubleshooting Information

  • Once submitted, you can view the status of the process in the Scheduled Processes work area. A successfully completed process, including any child processes, will end in Succeeded status.
  • If issue occurs, the process or any of its subprocesses might generate a warning or error. The specific validation errors and warning messages that prevented the process from completing successfully are displayed in the error logs.
  • Any interactive warning validations aren't performed.
  • After the process is submitted, you can Resubmit, Put on Hold, Cancel Process, and Release Process available in the Scheduled Processes work area.

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Automate Data Import and Publication