Semantic Key Update

Use the Semantic Key Update scheduled process to update the semantic matching key for an item class.

When to Use

Use the Semantic Key Update scheduled process to update the semantic matching key for the item class when the matching attributes are updated in the item class.

Privileges Required

  • Manage Item Keyword Search Attribute (ORA_EGP_ITEM_KEYWORD_SEARCH_ATTR_PRIV)


Review the following before setting up this scheduled process:

Specification Description
Job Type

Ad hoc job or scheduled job.

Some operations that are performed by this job require large amounts of time to complete and often scheduled to run outside of work hours.

Frequency Whenever needed
Time of Day Maintenance level operations are usually scheduled in off work hours.
Duration The time depends on the number of items and the item record size.
Compatibility None


Parameter Optional or Required Description Parameter Value Special Combinations Required Notes

Process all items

Optional Update semantic keys for all items
  • Yes: Rebuild key for all the items
  • No: Rebuild key for only those items that don't have semantic keys.

None N/A
Item Class Required Name of the item class Name of the item class None N/A