Considerations for Resolving Demand Fulfillment Recommendations

You take actions on the demand fulfillment recommendations by accepting recommendations. Five types of recommendations are associated with an at-risk demand. They display in tabs in the Recommendations section on the Demand Fulfillment page.

These are the recommendation tabs:

  • Expedite Buy Orders

  • Expedite Make Orders

  • Expedite Transfer Orders

  • Add Resource Availability

  • Add Supplier Capacity

You can choose to view all recommendations associated with all at-risk demands or choose to view the recommendations associated with the demands that you've selected.

Expedite Recommendations

You can review and accept three types of expedite recommendations:

  • Expedite buy orders: This includes purchase orders, requisitions, and planned buy orders.

  • Expedite make orders: This includes work orders and planned make orders.

  • Expedite transfer orders: This includes transfer orders and planned transfer orders.

Expedite recommendations show when the supply is needed (Expedite Date) and how many days earlier (Expedite Days) the supply is required than currently planned.

Regardless of the type of expedite recommendation, many columns of an expedite recommendation are the same. For example, Organization, Item, Order, Expedite date, and Expedite days are common to all expedite recommendations. However, some columns are specific to certain types of expedite recommendations. For example, processing lead time is specific to the Make Order Recommendation tab.

When you accept an expedite recommendation, the order is made firm using the expedite date as the firm date. When the plan is run after accepting the recommendation, the planning process assumes the supply is available on the firm date.
Note: For a Constraint supply plan, on the Demand Fulfillment page:
  • The Expedite Days column represents the number of days a supply can be expedited to meet the demand on time. It is mapped to the Supply Days Late column in the Late Supply Pegged to Forecast and Late Supply Pegged to Sales Order exceptions.
  • The Compression Days column shows the number of days a supply can be shortened to meet the demand on time. It is mapped to the Days of Shortage column in the Demand at Risk Due to Insufficient Lead Time exception.

Add Resource Availability Recommendation

The add resource availability and add supplier capacity recommendations are handled in similar ways. The add resource availability recommendation indicates how many hours a resource is overloaded. To resolve an add resource availability recommendation, you must increase the available hours through Oracle Fusion Cloud Manufacturing applications and then recollect the data.

If you've increased the available hours, but haven't run collections yet, you can mark the recommendation as complete to indicate that you've taken action against the recommendation.

Add Supplier Capacity Recommendation

The add supplier capacity recommendation indicates how many additional units of capacity are required. To resolve an add supplier capacity recommendation, you must increase the supplier capacity. Use the CSV file method to upload an increased supplier capacity for the item.

If you've increased the capacity, but haven't run collections yet, you can mark the recommendation as complete to indicate that you've taken action against the recommendation.